The Department of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Business of the Faculty of Business and Law actively continues its career guidance work with institutions in the region

Friday, April 12, 2024

The faculty members and students of the department conducted career guidance work among the youth of educational institutions in Kherson: O.V. Mishukov Kherson Academy of Learning, Gymnasium No. 16, and Comprehensive School No. 11

During the meeting, Andrii Yaryomenko informed the students about Kherson State University and its specialties.

Valentyna Burak, the head of the Department of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Business, elaborated on the specialties offered by the department. She discussed the opportunities available to them in the hospitality industry and the prospects for its development.

Nadiia Starodubets, the head of the admissions office at KSU, acquainted the students with the specifics of the 2024 admission campaign.


Kherson state university