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Updated: 3/4/2020

The task for an individual work of students (2010-2011 academic year and semester) - (ua)

Tests check the quality of student - (ua)

Courses taught:

Preschool pedagogy (full-time) - (ua)

English course in the DDU with teaching methods (full-time) - (ua)

Methods of Teaching Early Childhood Education (full-time) - (ua)

Methods of teaching English language pre-school children (full-time) - (ua)

The method of organizing artistic and language activities preschool children in kindergartens (full-time) - (ua)

Methodology for integrated classes in kindergartens (full-time) -(ua)

Improving technology and diagnostic methods of physical development of children of preschool age (f\t) - (ua)

Fundamentals of Art with the methodology of management activities Figurative children (f\t) - (ua)

Comparison of pre-school pedagogy (full-time) - (ua)

Theory and methodology of the mother tongue (full-time) - (ua)

Theory and Methodology of Physical Education (full-time) - (ua)

Theory and technology development of children's art (full-time) - (ua)

Office in early childhood education (full-time) - (ua)

The method of organizing artistic and language activities

   preschool children in preschool institutions (ext) - (ua)

General Psychology (primary education, full-time) - (ua)

Anatomy, physiology, pathology of Hearing and Speech - (ua)

Anatomy, physiology of children with the basics of genetics (full-time) - (ua)

Anatomy, physiology of children with the basics of genetics (short-time, full-time) - (ua)

Fundamentals of Natural Science: botany - (ua)

Fundamentals of medical knowledge and health of children (preschool education,
full-time) - (ua)

Fundamentals of medical knowledge and health of children (primary education, full-time) - (ua)

Pediatrics (full-time) - (ua)

Physiology (GNI and age) of the fundamentals of genetics (full-time) - (ua)

Physiology (GNI and age) of the fundamentals of genetics (short-time, full-time) - (ua)

Theory and Methods of native language (correspondence) - (ua)

Fundamentals of medical knowledge and health of children (correspondence) - (ua)