"Everyone's safety in joint solutions"

Thursday, June 01, 2023

On June 1, 2023, teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, Professor Kostyuchkov S.K. and associate professor of the department Shvets T.M. together with the winners of the OP "Social Work" of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education joined the information session on the topic: "Combating human trafficking, rules of safe employment, migration, travel" within the project "Everyone's safety in joint solutions" with the support of the USAID Bureau of Humanitarian Aid, which is implemented by the International Organization for Migration and the "Caritas Ivano-Frankivsk" charity fund.


During the meeting, attention was focused on issues of cooperation between the IOM and non-governmental organizations and charitable foundations in combating human trafficking, preventing domestic violence, and providing necessary assistance to displaced persons who suffered from Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine.

The participants of the meeting had the opportunity to hear from representatives of "Caritas" useful information on combating human trafficking, useful advice on how to protect yourself, how to help others: what you need to know, how to act in difficult situations, where to turn. These are data on legal acts in this area, on types and signs of human trafficking, and tips on how to recognize a risky situation in time, and specific life stories, and addresses of sites where you can get relevant information. The importance of such outreach work is especially growing in today's conditions, that is, in the conditions of martial law, when there is a forced migration of people, many of our compatriots were forced to leave their homes, go to other regions of Ukraine or abroad.

Kherson state university