Students of the Faculty of Pedagogy implement the project with the support of UNICEF

Monday, April 08, 2024

Obtaining majors 013 Primary education Oleksandr Tatsoha, Victoria Fediv and Victoria Morozenko were selected, received a grant and are implementing the project "Energy of the Nation", created within the framework of the UPSHIFT program, the national wave of which is implemented by the NGO "SCC Zadzerkally" with the support of UNICEF and the Japanese government.

The girls created a team, passed the competitive selection and entered the top 25 (more than 200 project applications were submitted at the national stage) who made it to the interview. Based on the results of the interview, 10 teams were selected who took part in the UPSHIFT training bootcamp in Kyiv and turned their idea into a project proposal. As a result of the pitching, the team, whose members are students of the Faculty of Pedagogy, received funding and mentoring support to implement their project.


Note that the UPSHIFT competition is a global program of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), which is implemented in more than 40 countries. The purpose of the program is to help teenagers and young people to propose and implement innovative solutions for current problems in the school, community, and city.

Oleksandra Tatsokha, Viktoriya Morozenko and Viktoriya Fediv implemented a project related to the lack of extracurricular communication among elementary school students. This idea is the initiative of the participants who, under martial law, observed the need for quality leisure time for children, especially in small communities and villages.


Within the scope of the project, the team plans to hold 12 master classes in combination with exercises and activities for children from small villages in the Mykolaiv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. The girls developed the topics and abstracts of the meetings, calculated estimates and issued all the necessary documentation, prepared handouts and visual aids for children, and later - conducted master classes.

It should be noted that the "Energy of the Nation" project brought not the impression of participation in grant programs and international projects, but also the practical experience of working with children, indispensable for future teachers. We are proud of our talented students who are not indifferent to social problems.

Kherson state university