Monday, December 09, 2019

Professor Ivan Moisienko took part in a scientific expedition of the Eurasian Steppe Group (EDGG) to Switzerland


From May 9 to May 21, 2019, Professor Ivan Moisienko participated in the 12th EDGG Scientific Expedition to Switzerland: "Intra-alpine Swagland of Switzerland: the 12th EDGG Field Workshop Inneralpine dry valleys of Switzerland". Participation in the expedition was made possible by receiving an individual travel grant from the IAVS World Sponsorship Committee. The expedition was attended by 16 scientists from 6 European countries (Austria, Italy, Poland, Germany, Switzerland and Ukraine). The expedition from Ukraine was also attended by Denys Vinokurov, a graduate of KSU, and now a researcher at the MG Botany Institute. Cold NAS. The purpose of the expedition was to investigate the current state of the classic locality of the Swiss steppe vegetation along the route of the Brown-Blanke expedition. In addition, the species / area ratio (SAR) was investigated using the EDGG biodiversity plot method. They worked on the slopes of the mountains (500-1500 m asl) from morning till evening, and after dinner they identified the plants, kept order in the forms of descriptions, and of course much communicated ... So the working day ended around midnight. Intensive work has yielded results - the expedition proved to be one of the most productive in terms of descriptions. The lion's share of the descriptions was made in the legendary Welsh Valley, from which Festuca valesiaca is described. It turns out that not only it, but also a number of lesser known species: Koeleria valesiana, Artemisia valesiana, Centaurea valesiaca ... 

Yes, it's a real mecca for nerds. Around the valley is the landscape: blue sky, below the white peaks of the mountains, then the Kooric highlands, below the green natural highlands, the brown slopes of the mountains covered with vineyards and below the colored villages and cities.
According to the decision of the Executive Committee of the EDGG, it is decided to carry out an expedition to Ukraine in the next 2020 year. Kherson State University is one of the organizers of the EDGG 2020 expedition, which will begin in Kherson.

Kherson state university