Update of KSU educational programs in 2019-2020

Monday, September 07, 2020

   According to the Regulations on KSU educational programs and the order of 12.05.2020 № 423-D "On updating KSU educational programs in 2019-2020 academic year" review of educational programs with the purpose of their improvement for 2020-2021 academic year proceeds. by making the necessary changes proposed by all stakeholders in the educational process. Next, find out in detail how this happens.

423 D On updating the KSU's program programs in 2019-2020.pdf (123.2 Kb)
Download the original document in pdf (123.2 Kb)

№ 424 D On amendments to the order of 12.05.2020 № 423 D On updating the KSU's program programs in 2019-2020.docx  (14.4 Kb)
Download the original document in pdf (42 Kb)

   According to the Regulations on KSU educational programs and the order of 12.05.2020 № 423-D "On updating KSU educational programs in 2019-2020 academic year" review of educational programs with the purpose of their improvement for 2020-2021 academic year proceeds. by making the necessary changes proposed by all stakeholders in the educational process.

   The internal examination takes into account the opinion of applicants for higher education based on the results of their surveys on disciplines in the first semester of 2019-2020 academic year, surveys of graduates of departments, academia and more.

   Revision of educational programs at the initiative of its guarantor first takes place at meetings of departments. Then the academic councils of the faculties consider the projects of the OP taking into account the interdisciplinary preparation, balance and realism of the program, rational distribution of credits, completeness of documentation and compliance of the OP with the Licensing conditions of educational activities.

   During the external examination, the OP project is submitted to external experts (potential employers and recognized specialists in the relevant field) to receive at least two responses and the OP project is published on the official website of KSU for public discussion.

   Currently, internal and external examinations of the OP are underway, after which the Department of Education Quality Assurance will monitor compliance with these requirements and provide its recommendations for approval of revised and updated OPs at the Academic Council of the University.

   This is a multi-level path of improvement of each educational program of Kherson State University. All in order to become better, better and more useful for our graduates!


Kherson state university