📢 Announcement! 📢

Friday, March 15, 2024

We invite everyone interested to an open meeting with the expert from PrivatBank - Volodymyr Chechotkyn!

📅 Date: March 18 🕘 Time: 09:00 AM 📍 Location: Zoom Conference ID: 868 2023 8087 Access code: 928942 Link: https://ksu-ks-ua.zoom.us/j/86820238087?pwd=a281dDJkWXV6UldQdjlqZElrWTlpdz09

Event Topic: "Prospects of the Banking System in Ukraine"

Volodymyr Chechotnyi is a renowned expert in the field of banking with years of experience in financial institutions. During the meeting, he will share his knowledge and answer all your questions regarding the future of the banking system in Ukraine.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to gain valuable insights from a leading industry expert!

The invitation is open to everyone.

Join us and stay updated on the latest trends in the banking sector! 📈💼

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Kherson state university