DAAD Studienreisen

Friday, February 08, 2013

14 studentof Kherson State University were able to visit Germany in the framework of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Department of International Relations initiated the program of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD - Studienreisen) together with the students of the faculty and the Faculty of preschool and primary education. The project was considered dekilkamisyatsivi recently received a positive response. The project is financed entirely by the German side. The trip's 13 students and 1 project coordinator will be held from 04/11/13 to 21/04/13. A group of 14 people to visit the following German universities:

Otto-Friedrich University in Bamberg

European University Viadrina, Frankfurt-on-Oder

Frobelseminar in Kassel

Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg

Objectives of the project:

To promote the deepening of knowledge in the specialty through appropriate visits, tours and informative conversations;

meeting with German students and scientists to establish and maintain contacts between German and foreign universities;

knowledge of economic, political and cultural life in Germany.

Kherson state university