FFJ meeting future entrants

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 14, the day of 98 anniversary of Kherson State University, the Faculty of Philology and Journalism hosted Open Day.

Learn about admission and education came about fifty graduates of secondary schools ofKhersonregion. The first prospective students applied to the Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism, Professor Vladimir Oleksenko. He spoke about the specifics of the training and educational process, stressed the benefits of higher education philologist and journalist inKhersonStateUniversity. Vladimir Oleksenko said: "Our institution celebrates today '98 since its founding. I hope that you will find its 100th anniversary has the status of national university students"

For more advice on the subjects of the necessary testing odinnadtsatiklassnikov received from teachers subject. In important respects prepare for tests in the Ukrainian language and literature stopped Associate Professor of Linguistics Tatiana Okunevych. She explained to prospective applicants to write creative work, what to look for, talked about the features of test validation and creative parts, manuals advised to prepare for testing.

Senior lecturer in Social Communications Natalia Orlova advised those who chose for himself the profession of journalist. Graduates primarily interested in the conditions of a competition. The teacher told the whole procedure of the meeting and training focused on assessment criteria creative work, recommended the necessary Internet resources.

The meeting ended with the presentation of specialties. Future entrants acquainted with scientific, educational, educational work departments, as laid dialogue with current students finally convinced that education philologist and journalist best gain inKhersonStateUniversity.

 The information given Department of Social Communications

Kherson state university