Seminar at the kindergarten №33

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 16, 2015 a seminar F.Frebelya Education Center.

The event was held at the Kherson I-c number 33, named for the introduction of a German teacher in the educational process of the ideas and methods of working with children.

To participate in the seminar invited pre-school teachers, representatives of the City Department of Education, students and teachers of the Faculty of preschool and primary education and members of KSU Kherson regional public organization supporting children with Down syndrome and their families "Solar Kherson children."

Dean preschool and primary education, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Petukhov LE opened the event and presented the experience of international cooperation Frebelseminaru Kherson University and the city of Kassel (Germany). Students of 1 course direction of preparation "Preschool education" performed the song "Ukraine - it's you."

After the presentation the head of the childcare facility Kovalchuk AA educators of their teaching staff, most of whom are graduates of the Faculty of preschool and primary education for the audience sang and danced kindergarten pupils.

 Chairman of the NGO "Solar kids Kherson" Hanikova IA described the activities of the organization, showed the video "Good syndrome."

Then the children were invited to a master class with paperoplastyky by methods developed by German scientists.

Education Center Coordinator F.Frebelya Anisimov OE spoke on "Formation of the child with special needs means frebelpedahohiky."

Discussion was fruitful pedagogical techniques inclusive education and prospects for further cooperation between all participants.

Kherson state university