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Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Professor of the department, doctor of psychological sciences Anzhelika Volodymyrivna Kolli-Shamne completed an internship at the Center d'accueil des réfugiés de ORS - Secteur Ukraine, "Organization pour les services aux réfugiés" à Fribourg (Suisse). (Refugee Reception Center - Ukrainian Sector, "Refugee Aid Organization" in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland). In the canton of Fribourg, the cantonal Department of Health and Social Affairs (DSAS) has authorized ORS Serco to provide professional assistance to refugees, starting with their accommodation and ending with integration into society.

Internship period: from March 21, 2023 to December 22, 2023. The program included 300 hours (12 ECTS credits).
The goal of the internship is to improve professional training by improving the knowledge and skills of a practical psychologist in the field of psychosocial assistance to forced migrants (refugees). Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical experience in such areas of the psychologist's work with refugees as psychological assessment and examination, diagnosis, management of relations with other agents of psychosocial and medico-social assistance, intervention and psychological intervention, scientific research, administrative and financial management, professional training. Improvement of professional skills in providing psychological first aid. Acquaintance and use of modern means and methods of assessment, diagnosis and correction of crisis states, emotional disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder in refugees.
How Results: the competence of a practical psychologist is improved: (1) psychological assessment and examination, (2) diagnosis, (3) management of relations with other agents of psychosocial and medical-social care (social workers, medical psychiatric institutions, psychotherapy office, etc.), (4) ) intervention (including crisis) and psychological intervention, (5) exploratory research into psychological problems of refugee adaptation, (6) administrative and financial management, (7) professional training (attending training courses).
Certificate received     

Kherson state university