Osinniy rock-n-roll

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Vistava in retro style.

24 spring 2021 rock in the theater im. M. Kulisha will see the lyrical vistava "Osinniy rock-n-roll" for the song of Mikhail Kheifets. If the autumn of human life is coming? How can you save yourself from self-reliance for an hour? How can you know who to remind your life with warmth?

From the stench - the cholovik and the woman, I want to see a dance. And yet - I want cohati and let us live life. Ale sphatku bov dance. Otak, the vipadkova zustrich gave him hope for happiness. In love, like in dances, demanding to reassure a partner, to see a dream and to see one to one. Everything is possible, navigate at 45.


Go to the show "Osinniy rock-n-roll"

Kherson state university