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  • Wednesday, February 21, 2024

    The work "New Year's Wish" depicts the dream of all Kherson residents - to see a peaceful and such native city. Many hidden symbols of the Kherson region are collected in the illustration. So, for example, an embroidered jacket with a rooster pattern is a regional distinction of Kherson itself. Hair-water additionally reminds us of the embankment of our city, where many important events took place. Every resident of Kherson has his own pleasant memories with this place, and we hope that there will be even more of them after our victory. Below you can see many buildings, among which is our university, unbreakable, no matter what...

    I wish everyone a peaceful sky and I hope to see you soon in Kherson!💛💙

  • Wednesday, February 21, 2024

    We congratulate Orina Panasovska, winner of the 421st group, on her victory in the All-Ukrainian multi-genre entertainment competition "Christmas and New Year Vernissage"

  • Sunday, December 17, 2023

    Report of the Dean of the Faculty of Culture and Arts Mykolai Hryhorovych Levchenko (2023 year)

    Dean of the Faculty Mykola Hryhorovych Levchenko presented a report on the work of the Faculty of Culture and Arts for the 2023 academic year:

    • Visiting couples by suitors
    • The percentage of accumulation of grades
    • Percentage of students who participated in the survey
    • Fulfillment of the requirements for the use of corporate system tools
    • Dynamics of contingent movement
    • Scientific research work
    • Creative work of teachers
    • Scientific activity of faculty graduates
    • Conducting scientific events
    • Scientific work
    • Results of the summer assessment and examination session 2022 - 2023 (full-time part-time Ph.D.)
    • Results of attestation of applicants of the first (bachelor) level of higher education 2022 - 2023 n.y. (full-time part-time Ph.D.)
    • Creative work
    • Organizational and educational work
    • Forms of organization of vocational guidance work
    • Career guidance work
    • International activity

    View the presentation

  • Sunday, November 05, 2023

    Work plan of the Faculty of Culture and Arts

    Work plan of the Faculty of Culture and Arts (main events) from November 1 to 15, 2023

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE Kherson State University (Ivano-Frankivsk)

    Get to know the plan⬅

  • Saturday, May 20, 2023


    Anna Bilyk, candidate of art history, associate professor, teacher of the design department, presented the article "Game in Hell". The article tells about the lives of brave Kherson citizens who survived the occupation. The heroic resistance of Teroboronov soldiers in Lilac Park and the death of the defenders of Kherson are commemorated.

    February 2023 Published in the magazine "Krytyka" №1–2, 2023 (c. 11–13). 

  • Saturday, May 20, 2023

    Lydia Lymarenko, professor of the department of cultural studies, took part in the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference

    Lydia Lymarenko, professor of the department of cultural studies, honored cultural worker of Ukraine, took part in the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Newest researches of culture and art: searches, problems, prospects", which took place on May 18 at the National Academy of Managerial Personnel of Culture and Arts. The organizers of the scientific forum are the Department of Cultural Studies and Intercultural Communications of the Academy. The event was attended by reputable scientists, graduate students, and awardees. Important aspects of modern cultural education, the issue of preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, prospective directions of art development in the modern information society were discussed, and the popular scientific, educational publication "Art of the World. Contribution of Ukraine". Professor Lidia Lymarenko presented the cultural and artistic projects of master's students of the Faculty of Culture and Arts of KSU, which vividly reflect the spiritual values of student youth during the Russian aggression.

  • Sunday, April 23, 2023

    Faculty of Culture and Arts

    Dean of the Faculty Mykola Levchenko presented a report on the work of the Faculty of Culture and Arts for the 2020-2023 academic year:

    • Educational process
    • Scientific and methodical work
    • Educational and methodical work
    • Scientific research work
    • Organizational and educational work
    • Physical education and health care
    • Labor education and career guidance work
    • international cooperation
    • Work in a dormitory
    • Career guidance work
    • Material base

    View the presentation

  • Sunday, March 26, 2023

    "The armed forces of Ukraine and the troops of the russian federation in memes of the Ukrainian digital space: humor, political ideas and ideological images"

    Scientists, teachers, graduate students and young students of higher education institutions (Kherson State University, National Academy of Managers of Culture and Arts, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko, Mariupol State University, Rivne State Humanitarian University and others ) took part in a lecture-discussion on the topic "The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the troops of the Russian Federation in memes of the Ukrainian digital space: humor, political ideas and ideological images", speaker: doctor of historical sciences, professor Olha Ryabchenko (Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovorody / the Faculty of History in the University of Cambridge). The scientific meeting was organized on the initiative of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society and the Embassy of Ukraine in the Federal Republic of Germany.
    The lecture was extremely interesting, especially for cultural scientists, practitioners and students of higher education. Everyone who wanted to join the discussion of the lecture. Among them is Lydia Lymarenko, professor of the department of cultural studies, who is convinced that memes are a modern phenomenon, a component of human culture, where humor and reality are successfully combined. The war of Ukrainians with the Rashists gave rise to new heroes, such as our steadfast, invincible Chornobayivka - the Ukrainian Bermuda Triangle, hell for the occupiers. Memes are a great space for scientific research.

  • Friday, March 03, 2023

    In memory of Ivan Andriyovych Zyazyun

    To the 85th anniversary of the birthday of the outstanding scientist, philosopher, teacher, director of the Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1993–2014), on March 2, 2023, flowers were laid at the Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education named after Ivan Zyazyun of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine memorial plaque on the facade of the building (Berlinskogo St., 9).
    This special day ended with a round table "Founder of Pedagogy of Good" and benevolence in pedagogy: to the 85th anniversary of Ivan Zyazyun's birthday, which was held online. 82 people joined.
    The moderators of the event were doctors of pedagogical sciences, professors L.O. Khomych, O.A. Lavrinenko, V.L. Cerebral
    Academician Vasyl Hryhorovych Kremen, president of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, addressed those present with a word of congratulations. Speakers: Academician Nelya HryhorivnaNichkalo - Academician-Secretary of the Department of Professional Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; academician Georgy Georgiyovych Filipchuk; Dr. Habilitation, Professor of the State Institution of Higher Education named after Stefan Batory in Skierniewice (Poland) Teresa Janicka-Panek.
    The round table was held in a family atmosphere, an atmosphere of love and sincerity, which is carried by students, colleagues and friends of I.A. Zyazyuna through his life and his professional activity. Memories of years of cooperation, friendship, and scientific growth were shared by: A.I. Kuzminskyi, O.H. Romanovskyi, T.D. Fedirchyk, M.I. Piddyachy, P.M. Koval, O.I. Shcherbak, L.P. Pukhovska, D.V. Khomenyuk, L.I. Lymarenko, A.V. Tkachenko and others.

  • Wednesday, March 01, 2023

    Together with institutions of higher education (Kherson State University, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, National Academy of Managerial Personnel of Culture and Arts, Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko, Mariupol State University and others) on the initiative of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society (regional group Berlin-Brandenburg) hold a series of lectures dedicated to the culture of Ukraine.

    On February 28, 2023, doctor of cultural studies, professor Iryna Petrova (Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts / "Die Cologne/Bonn Academy in Exile" (Germany) made a report on the topic "Cultural practices of Ukrainians during the war". The lecture was attended not only by famous scientists and practices in the field of cultural studies, as well as graduate students, students of higher education majoring in 034 Cultural Studies.

    After an extremely interesting, relevant and highly professional lecture by Iryna Petrova, the moderator: Dr. Olesya Lazarenko (Viadrina European University in Frankfurt am Oder) invited everyone to join the discussion of cultural practices of Ukrainians under martial law. Lidia Lymarenko, professor of the Department of Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Culture and Arts of the KhSU, took an active part in the discussion.

  • Sunday, October 30, 2022

    The Faculty of Culture and Arts congratulates all teachers and students on the 105th anniversary of Kherson State University. The presentation presents the works and paintings of teachers of the Department of Fine Arts and Design. Presentation by link

  • Thursday, October 13, 2022

    The choreographic team of the Department of Choreographic Art won the Grand Prix at the all-Ukrainian remote competition "Kalynovy Oshly" with the composition "In the whirlpool of dance" (directed by Nataliya Tereshenko), which took place on October 5, 2022 in Kyiv.

  • Sunday, October 09, 2022

    Students of the Faculty of Culture and Arts are taking an active position in such a difficult time. Vladyslav Kobelchuk, a candidate for the Choreography specialty, received a letter of thanks from the Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia for the principled support of Ukraine during the fight against Russian aggression, for providing assistance to Ukrainian wounded soldiers who are in Latvia for treatment and rehabilitation.

  • Sunday, September 04, 2022

    Pittsburgh United for Ukraine

    🎨 On June 26, 2022, the charity concert "Pittsburgh United for Ukraine" took place at the Andrew Carnegie Free Library & Music Hall. Vitaly Rakovych - head and associate professor of the Department of Fine Arts and Design took part in the event. The Pittsburgh Ukrainian Community and local community organizations have joined together to raise funds for the continued need of humanitarian aid in Ukraine. An incredible and wide range of performers united in this case.

    Proceeds from the concert and auction will benefit the Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief Fund and Razom for UkraineRazom for Ukraine - Razom initiates short and long-term projects, or collaborates on existing projects with partner organizations, which help Ukraine stay on the path of fostering democracy and prosperity. Razom is responding to the war in Ukraine by working with volunteers on the ground and partner organizations to provide critical humanitarian war relief and recovery depending on the most urgent needs as they evolve.

    💙💛 Follow the link

  • Monday, July 18, 2022

    On July 18, 2022, the third stage of the creative competition for entrants to the first year of the bachelor's degree program was completed at the Department of Fine Arts and Design

  • Tuesday, July 12, 2022

    On July 12, 2022, the second stage of the creative competition for entrants to the first year of the bachelor's degree was completed at the Department of Fine Arts and Design

  • Saturday, July 02, 2022

    📃 SCHEDULE of creative contests for admission to the 1st course based on complete general secondary education

  • Monday, February 07, 2022

    07/02/2022 The entrance exams for the specialty of fine arts and design have begun

  • Saturday, July 02, 2022

    07/02/2022 Entrance exams for the specialty of choreographic art have begun

  • Saturday, July 02, 2022

    07/02/2022 Entrance exams for the specialty of musical art have begun

  • Saturday, July 02, 2022

    Education documents (bachelor's, master's diplomas and their supplements, academic certificates) can be received by:
    1. Directly to the student of higher education in person.
    2. Representatives of the student of higher education (any person) with a power of attorney issued in accordance with the requirements of the law.
    Documents on education are received under personal signature by the persons indicated in the journal of registration of the issuance of diplomas in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk at the address: str. Shevchenko, 14.
    Also, applicants for education can receive scanned copies of educational documents on the basis of a personal application of the applicant for higher education, sent to the official email of the university with a mandatory superimposition of their own qualified electronic signature.

  • Saturday, June 25, 2022

    On June 24, a meeting of the scholarship commission took place at the faculty.

  • Thursday, June 23, 2022

    Thank you Lydia Ivanivna Limarenko and Diana Volodymyrivna Kuzyakina!

  • Thursday, June 23, 2022

    Thank you for Maria Ihorivna Afanasenko!

  • Thursday, June 23, 2022

    Thank you Oleksiy Mikhailovich Ponomaryov!

Updated: 8/14/2017


  • Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    Шедевральні скульптури та замки з піску

    Хто сказав, що будувати замки з піску це заняття пусте і безперспективне? Якщо поглянути на фото, то одразу стає зрозуміло, наскільки шедевральні скульптури і замки можуть вийти із звичного для усіх морського чи річкового піску. Справжні казкові замки, ожилі скульптури порадують око будь-якого поціновувала краси.

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  • Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    Чуттєвий танець, що зачаровує

    Сергій Полунін. Музика - "Take me to Church" Hozier. Постановка - David LaChapelle та Jade Hale-Christof - відео за посиланням.

  • Friday, February 07, 2020

    20 скульптур, історія яких нагадає про найважливіше

    Скульптура-інсталляція «Поглинуті світлом», Амстердам


    Робота британської художниці Галі Май Лукас (Gali May Lucas) в межах Амстердамського фестивалю світла покликана підкреслити одержимість технологіями і залежність людей від смартфонів. Три фігури сидять на лавці у звичних позах користувачів смартфонів: схиливши голови, набираючи повідомлення, їхні обличчя підсвічені екраном. За словами автора, її завданням було донести думку про те, що людей постійно тягне до екранів, які освітлюють життя, але світло від них не тільки доносить інформацію, але і відводить нас від реального світу.

    «Історія кохання», Київ


    Скульптура присвячена унікальній історії Луїджі Педутто та Мокрини Юрзук, любов яких подолала час і відстані. Пара познайомилась у 1943 році в австрійському таборі для військовополонених. Після закінчення війни закоханих розлучили. Надалі вони завели свої сім’ї, жили, але продовжували пам’ятати одне про одного, і майже через 60 років італієць відшукав кохану через передачу «Чекай на мене».

    Коли закохані зустрілись, їм було вже за 80. Луїджі запропонував Мокрині руку і серце, але, на жаль, вони так і не встигли одружитись. Скульптура стала символом любові, яку можна пронести через все життя. Копію київського пам’ятника встановили у рідному місті Луїджі – італійському Кастель-Сан-Лоренцо.


    Далі буде.

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  • Wednesday, May 15, 2019

    У Бобруйську знайшли унікальний шолом кінця ІХ - початку ХІ століття

    У Бобруйську під час робіт у річковому порту виявили шолом кінця IX - початку XI століття, повідомив кореспонденту БЕЛТА голова Постійної комісії з освіти, культури та науки Палати представників доктор історичних наук Ігор Марзалюк.

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  • Friday, April 12, 2019

    Собака, яка виконує хіт Уітні Х’юстон — «I Will Always Love You»

    Цю собаку звуть Леді Ксена і вона стала зіркою бельгійського талант-шоу. Ксена обожнює музику, особливо пісню Уітні Х’юстон – «I Will Always Love You», яку  з душею підспівує. Мабуть, собаки – єдині істоти, які по-справжньому знають, що таке любити вічно. І навіть попадає в ноти!

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  • Tuesday, March 26, 2019

    Справжня кров

    Психологічний ефект від сприйняття цього шедевру нищівний. «Іван Грозний і син його іван…» – єдина в історії російського живопису картина, яку двічі атакували вандали в музеї.

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  • Tuesday, February 19, 2019

    Представляем вашему вниманию акапельное исполнение песни "Mary, did you know":

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  • Monday, November 19, 2018

    Великолепные пейзажи канадского художника Эндрю Кисса

    Канадский художник Эндрю Кисс (Andrew Kiss ) пишет просто потрясающие пейзажи! Природа на его полотнах завораживает, притягивает, хочется их смотреть еще и еще…

    В них как по волшебству оживают картины времен года, зримые, яркие, красочные, и одновременно, душевные и романтические.

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  • Thursday, October 18, 2018

    Небо и море.

    Французский художник Эрик Ле Пап (Eric Le Pape) родился в Бретоне. Практически сразу после школы пошёл служить на флот, а закончив карьеру моряка, решил целиком посвятить себя живописи. Пишет исключительно мастихином и акриловой краской. Доминирующая тема его картин - пейзажи побережья Франции.

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  • Thursday, October 18, 2018

    Джозеф Олифирович — дирижер, которого нужно видеть

    Как жаль, что зрители этого не видят! Зато музыканты, должно быть, просто в восторге! Джозеф Олифирович – наверное, самый обаятельный и харизматичный дирижер из всех, кого вы видели. Он просто не может не устроить целое шоу для оркестра! Посмотрите, он бесподобен!

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