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Методичне забезпечення навчальних дисциплін

Updated: 5/26/2020

Physics is an amazing science of nature that explains most of the processes that take place in the surrounding world. It is the basis of scientific and technological progress (NTP), one of the important achievements of today. All this defines physics as an important subject for study not only in secondary school, but also in higher educational establishments (universities).

For realization of educational tasks set before physics, as a subject, a training and methodological complex was developed. It is aimed at the successful mastering of the material, the development of intellectual abilities and the use of acquired skills in the study of physics, as well as the organization of the educational process in universities.

The educational process in universities requires information, normative, personnel, logistical and methodological support. Each of these elements has corresponding requirements.

Educational-methodical complex (NMS) is a set of normative and educational-methodical materials on paper and / or in electronic forms, necessary and sufficient for the effective fulfillment by students of the work program of the educational discipline, provided by the curriculum of preparation of students of the corresponding educational and qualification level in the direction of preparation (specialty).

The NQF should provide all the main stages of the pedagogical process - communication of educational information and its perception, consolidation and improvement of knowledge, skills, their application and control, and the main functions of the educational process - educational, educational and developmental.

educational and methodological complex includes 15 structural elements. One of these elements is the educational and methodological and logistical support of the discipline. This element includes various materials, namely:

- textbooks / manuals in paper or electronic forms;

- various methodological recommendations for control, independent, practical, seminar and laboratory works;

- educational and teaching-methodical means of distance learning;

- various computer programs (virtual laboratories, test programs, training programs);

- audio and video materials;

- software and more.

Considering the scientific and methodological provision as part of the NMS educational process in universities, it is also worth mentioning other components. Namely: state standards of education, curricula, curricula in all regulatory and elective disciplines; programs of educational, industrial and other practices; textbooks and manuals; instructional and methodological materials for seminars, practical and laboratory classes; individual training tasks; control works; text and electronic versions of tests for current and final control, methodical materials for organizing students' independent work, performing individual tasks, coursework and diploma work.

When studying physics in higher education institutions, it is necessary to take into account the fact that for the successful realization of educational goals it is necessary to develop appropriate educational and methodological support, which should not only meet the standards of education, but also develop the students' creative abilities. After all, it is creativity that reveals personality, promotes the development of thinking, research activity, etc.

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