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Virtual bibliographic information

Updated: 9/6/2022

The Virtual Bibliographic Reference (VBD) searches for the required bibliographic information in request-response mode. Another operator will help you find information about books, articles, online resources, as well as pick up a list of literature on a specific topic.

Query Sources:

electronic catalog of the KSU elibrary library (;
traditional reference and bibliographic apparatus;
full-text and bibliographic databases of the KSU Library;
Internet resources.

User requests are received free of charge through Microsoft Outlook. The inquiries are made from 10am to 4pm 5 days a week (except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays). 10 inquiries per day are accepted.

Queries are executed in the order they are received, within 1 day, but if the request is complex and requires additional time and sources of search, the duration of its execution - up to 3 days.

The inquiries are prepared and performed by the staff of the reference and bibliographic department.

We perform:

  • thematic references in all areas of knowledge (containing a list of documents and / or links to electronic information resources according to the topic of the request);
  • address certificates (containing information about the availability of documents in the KSU library);
  • clarifying information (identifying, clarifying or supplementing items of a bibliographic description of the document);
  • factual backgrounds (contain information on specific facts, events, personalities, organizations, and have research or applied character).

We advise on bibliographic description and list preparation for coursework and abstracts.

User response can be submitted in the following form:

  • explanatory text citing sources of information (up to 10 titles);
  • a list of documents in the library, indicating the location and ciphers (up to 10 titles);
  • links to library information resources available on the Internet (up to 10 titles).

Queries not considered:

  • related to the submission of abstracts, coursework, diploma, research papers and their search on the Internet;
  • requests that require a thorough scientific search and connection of additional sources of information that are not available in the library;
  • related to solving mathematical, physical and other problems, translation of texts;
  • related to the provision of information of an entertaining nature (solving crossword puzzles, participating in intellectual games, quizzes and other competitions);
  • requests related to the provision of information of a commercial nature (sales, etc.). 

WBD services may be used by:

  •  scientific and pedagogical composition of KSU;
  • graduate students;
  • students;
  • employees. 

Electronic copies of documents are not sent.

 For virtual help, please send your requests to e-mail: