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"Book Salon. Entrant - 2014"

Updated: 12/18/2013

27-29.11.2013 KSU third consecutive year, participated in the International Specialized Exhibition "Book Salon. Entrant - 2014 " which held annually in Kherson ( CCH "Jubilee").

The exhibition presents the faculties of the University, faculty training center, the center of retraining and advanced training, research projects KSU, literature, methodological developments university employees, electronic media, advertising and presentation materials.

Visitors were able to get a qualification consultation on admissions and university studies, ask questions of the selection committee of the university.

The delegation from the University included:
Leading specialist of economic and contractual work and exhibiting Kur'yaninova A.V., a leading specialist of the selection committee Razsuzhday A.V., Software Engineer II category providing academic department - information - communication infrastructure Lyakutin V.V., students of the Faculty philology and journalism, law students, students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports.

KSU Rector thanked everyone for their cooperation and assistance. Special thanks to the department of economic and contractual work and exhibition activities, the department provide academic and ICT, the head of the editorial and publishing department, library director, department admissions University, Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics, faculty of Philology and Journalism, Faculty of Law for their help in organizing the presentation of the exhibition and the University provided materials and assistance in the presentation of the university at the show.