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Department of labor protection

Updated: 2/8/2022

Department of labor protection

Characteristics of the department

                The Department of Labor Protection of the University was created in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On Labor Protection" and "On Education" to organize the implementation of legal, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic, socio-economic and therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at preventing accidents, occupational diseases and accidents in the process of work, as well as ensuring healthy and safe conditions of the educational process, preventing injuries to its participants.

               The labor protection department reports directly to the rector of the university. The work of the department is organized in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on labor protection, approved by the order of the Rector of the University of 8.10.2019 № 820-D.

                 The main tasks of the department:

                - developing an effective system of occupational safety management and ensuring healthy and safe conditions of the educational process at the university and promoting the improvement of activity in this direction of each structural unit and each employee. Providing professional support to the decisions of the university rector on these issues;

                - organization of preventive measures aimed at elimination of harmful and dangerous factors, prevention of accidents and injuries, occupational diseases and other cases of threat to the life or health of employees and participants of the educational process;

                - studying and promoting the implementation of the achievements of science and technology, advanced and safe technologies, modern means of collective and individual protection of employees and participants of the educational process in the educational process;

                - control over the observance by employees and participants of the educational process of the requirements of laws and other normative-legal acts on labor protection, section "Labor protection" of the collective agreement and acts on safety at the university;

                - informing and providing explanations to employees and participants of the educational process of the university on labor protection issues.

                 Specialists of the department of occupational safety in case of detection of violations of occupational safety and fire safety have the right to:

                - to issue to the heads of structural divisions of the university mandatory for the fulfillment of the prescription for elimination of existing deficiencies, to receive from them the necessary information, documentation and explanations on labor protection issues;

                - to demand the removal from work of persons who have not passed the medical examination, training, instruction, knowledge testing and have no admission to the corresponding works or do not comply with the requirements of normative legal acts on labor protection;

                - to suspend production of a production site, a site, machinery, machinery, equipment and other means of production in case of violations which endanger the life or health of workers;

               - submit to the Rector of the University a report on the liability of employees who violate the requirements on labor protection.

                Only a university rector can override an order from a health care professional.

                Liquidation of the labor protection service is allowed only in case of liquidation of the university.


Legislation on labor protection

             The labor protection legislation consists of:

  •  Of the Law of Ukraine "On Occupational Safety".
  • Labor Code of Ukraine.
  • Of the Law of Ukraine "On Compulsory State Social Insurance"
  • And the regulatory acts adopted in accordance with them.


The main normative legal acts of the University on labor protection issues

  •      "Regulations on the Occupational Safety Management System", approved by Order № 319-D of 25.03.2013.
  •      "Regulations on the Procedure of Conducting Training and Testing of Knowledge on Occupational Safety", approved by the order dated 17.09.2018 № 725-D.
  •      "Regulations on administrative and public control over the state of labor protection", approved by the order of the Rector of the University of January 26, 2012 № 91-D.
  •       "Regulations on the Department of Labor".

Department of labor protection

Head of Department:

 Morgunov Evgeny Alexandrovich



 Izhevskaya Valentina Leonidovna


on the organization of fire safety:

 Zaya Vadim Petrovich

 Work schedule:

 Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am to 17:15 
 Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 16:00 
 Lunch break from 12:00 to 12:30
