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Updated: 4/10/2024

Discussion of Educational Programs Bachelor, Master
"Secondary education (Spanish language and literature)"
"Secondary education (German language and literature)"
"Philology (Germanic languages and literatures (translation included), the first -German)"
Please make your suggestions, wishes and comments on improving educational and professional programs at

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Проєкт ОП Філологія (германські мови та літератури (переклад.doc (292 Kb)

Department of Germanic and Romanic Philology

Updated: 2/27/2024

German and Roman Philology Department

        Kherson State University German Department was founded in May 1992. During this time, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Soldatova S.M., heads the department. 

The German and Roman Philology Department of was formed on July 1, 2017 by combining the Department of German Language and the Department of Roman-Germanic Languages. The department belongs to the graduating departments of Kherson State University. The specificity of the department is that the teaching staff conducts classes in practical and theoretical disciplines in German, French and Spanish.

The department employs highly qualified teachers with a scientific degree who have considerable experience in scientific-pedagogical and translation activities. All scientific-pedagogical workers by qualification correspond to the profile direction of the disciplines, which they teach, have experience of pedagogical work in higher educational establishments and experience of practical work: Professor Romanova N.V., Ph.D., Candidates of Philological Sciences, associate professors Kovbasiuk L.A., Ermolenko I.I., Hoshtanar I.V., Leniuk N.M., Holotiuk O.V., Soldatova S.M., associate professor of the department Goncharenko O.M., senior teacher  Didenko N.V., and teachers of the department Izmailova O.A., Bandurko Z.V., Remnova A.M. The department is a graduation for the specialty: 014.02 Secondary education (language and literature German, French, Spanish) with qualification as a teacher of the first foreign language, world literature and second foreign language; as well as for specialties 035.043 Philology (Germanic languages and literatures (translation incl. first - German)) with qualification as a philologist, teacher of the first foreign language and literature and a second foreign language, translator; 035.051 "Philology (Roman Languages and Literature (translation incl.) first - Spanish))", 035.055 "Philology (Roman languages and literature (translation incl.) first - French))". Teachers of the department also serve the following specialties: 014.02 Secondary education (language and literature English, German); 035.04 Philology (Germanic languages and literature (translation incl.) (English); 035 Philology (Translation); 035 Philology (Applied linguistics).          

From 2016 - 2019 the department successfully worked on the initiative theme of the department "Functional-pragmatic, cognitive-discursive, linguоcultural study aspects of the linguistic and speech units of modern German" (state registration number 0116U008711); Professor Romanova N.V. continues to work on the topic, and registered her own initiative theme - “Linguistic and Speech Units: Structure. Semantics. Functions, History. "  

        The result of this work is the preparation of publications of teachers and students of various levels, the issuance of textbooks, methodological recommendations, monographs, as well as the preparation and defense of graduation papers of the Bachelor of Science and Master's degree. Recently, the educational and methodological achievements of the teaching staff of the department are solid:   

Romanova N.V. Educational guidance “German language as a second professional” Kherson: Ailant Publishing house, 2016 - 189 pages.; Kovbasiuk L.A. Practical grammar in German: Educational guidance for students of the third year of higher education in the field of preparation 6.020303 "Philology (German, English and Literature)". - Kherson: KSU, 2013. - 204 p. The textbook received the MES stamp (Letter №1/11-11124 of 09.07.13); Soldatova S.M, Goshtanar I.V. German Language Educational guidance for Students of Foreign Languages. - Kherson: Ailant Publishing House, 2012. - 208 p. The textbook received the MES stamp (Letter №1/11-15247 dated 01.10.12); Khmelkovska S.V. The textbook "History of German Literature" for students of third year of higher education in the field of study 6.020303 Philology (German, English and Literature) * .- Kherson: KSU, 2015. - 244 p.

   Leading specialists of the department headed the work of students problem groups, of which there are 5 devoted to various topical issues of German philology: 

1) Problem group "Problems of lexicology and phraseology of modern German language: functional and pragmatic aspect" (Supervisor - candidate of philological sciences, professor.. Soldatova S.M.).  

2) Problem group " Functional-semantic, cognitive, communicative-pragmatic and socio-cultural aspects of the study of Roman languages in synchrony and diachrony " (Supervisor - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Teacher Yermolenko I.I.).

3) Problem group "German language units, their structure and development in synchrony and diachrony" (Supervisor - Doctor of Philology, Professor Romanova N.V.).

International scientific relations of the department with other universities abroad can be considered as productive: Associate Professor Kovbasiuk L.A. successfully completed an internship at the Summer Academy "German Teaching Methods and Didactics" (Regensburg, Regensburg University, July 2011), a research internship at the BAYHOST Summer Academy of Former Scholars in German Studies June 2013, Regen, Bavaria), DAAD research internship at the Munich Institute. Ludwig Maximilian on "The Linguistic Aspect of the Newest Means of Communication" (July 2013); Associate Professor Goshtanar I.V. received internships at schools and colleges of vocational guidance at the Goethe-Institute within the Schools-Partners of the Future program (Lower Saxony, Germany, July 2014). Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Romanova N.V. studied under the Erasmus + program at the Alpen-Adria University in Klagenfurt, Austria. from March 12, 2017 to April 2, 2017 for teaching activities. 

Students on the Philology / Language and Literature (German, English) * specialty are actively involved in the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) program and have a good opportunity to study at higher education institutions in Germany. In May 2011, students of the 391 group Bandurko Z. and Radionova O. became participants of a scientific project and were trained at the University of Alpen-Adria (Klagenfurt, Austria). Students Kaidashova K., Kucheruk O. and Khilchenko D. successfully completed internships at the Pomeranian Academy of Slupsk (Poland) during the winter term of 2014-2015. From September 2016 to the present 5th year student (09-1-191M group) Kiselova Victoria undergoes an internship under the Erasmus + program at Alpen-Adria University in Klagenfurt, Austria. 

Students' educational and research work is an integral part of the future specialist's professional training. Students actively participate in the preparation of scientific papers for the All-Ukrainian competition of students scientific works. In 2015 student Skorokhod Alina won the first place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works with the work on "Features of the idiolect of Erich Maria Remarque (on the material of the stories collection "Der Feind"" (scientific supervisor - associate professor Goshtanar I.V.); student Lakhovska Kateryna also got the first place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works with the work on the theme: "Artistic image of a woman in postmodern discourse: linguocognitive and cultural aspects (based on the novel by Julia Frank "Die Mittagsfrau”) Goshtanar I.V.) In 2017 the fourth year student Abramova Kristina took the third place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works with the work on the theme: "Metaphors-Composites of Modern German" (supervisor - Assoc. Prof. Kovbasyuk L.A.). In 2017 student Subot I.S. of the specialty 191M 03 035 Humanities Philology (German) took third place in the second round of student research of Roman and Germanic languages and literature (teaching methods) at Kiev National Linguistic University. In 2019 Kasatkin O.S.  received a diploma of 3 place in the second round of the competition of student scientific works on Roman-Germanic languages and literatures (with teaching methods) at Kiev National Linguistic University where he successfully defended the work "Verbalization of the REFUGEE Concept in Drama by E. Jelinek Die Schutzbefohlenen: Linguistic Aspect."   

The main task of the department teaching staff is to prepare competent specialists capable of teaching foreign language and literature in secondary general and special educational institutions, in various groups of foreign students, to solve problems related to the functioning of the foreign language latest trends development and its functioning in modern comunicative situations.

The main focus of the EPP Secondary Education Language and Literature (German, French, Spanish) is the formation and development of professional competence for research and innovation in the field of language training, taking into account the modern requirements of education, the world media space, and general European guidelines for language education.

 The graduates of the department of these specialties who are most in need of today both domestic and world labor markets, in the southern region of Ukraine they easily find employment places and occupy good positions both in teaching sphere, in children's and youth educational institutions, in private translation offices. Among the possibilities of graduates employment of the specialty "SE language and literature" are the following:     

- teacher of secondary school;

- teacher of a professional educational institution;

- teacher of vocational school;

- teacher of secondary school.

Specialist training in the specialty 035 Philology of  Knowledge field  03 The Humanities Germanic and Roman languages aim at forming the personality of a specialist capable of solving the problems of philological and research character in the field of philological education.

The main objective of the EPP is to prepare masters with an emphasis on the ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the field of philology, which involves the application of certain theories and methods and is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of the conditions.

The program also provides comprehensive training for philological education professionals through a combination of social and humanitarian training; fundamental, natural science and economic training; vocational and practical training.

Graduates with the qualification of master-philologist can work in scientific, literature-publishing, educational fields; teaching, research and administrative positions in higher education institutions 1-4 accreditation levels; in print and electronic media, PR technologies, in various foundations, unions, humanitarian foundations, museums, arts and cultural centers, auxiliary activities in public administration, information and cultural services, etc.

It should be noted that the training is problem-oriented, student-centered, and is related to self-study using interactive project and computer-based learning technologies.

The main purpose of the German and Roman Philology Department is to provide training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff, specialists at the level of world qualification requirements, to obtain the latest knowledge through the implementation of scientific research, development and their focus on the creation and implementation of innovative competitive results.




Discussion of the educational-professional program Masters degree 035.55, 035.51,035.43 Philology

Accreditation of the Educational Program

Updated: 11/4/2021

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ОПСередня освіта (Мова і ліература французька) .doc (857 Kb)

ОПСередня освіта (Мова і література іспанська) doc (852.5 Kb)

ОПСередня освіта (Мова і література німецька) doc (860.5 Kb)

Навчальні плани за 2018 рік

28703NavchalniiPlan.pdf (845.5 Kb)

28704NavchalniiPlan.pdf (649.6 Kb)

28705NavchalniiPlan.pdf (655.1 Kb)

Поєкти ОП

Проєкт ОП Середня освіта (Іспанська мова та література).docx (46 Kb)

Проєкт ОП Середня освіта (Французька мова та література).docx (45.4 Kb)

Проєкт ОП Середня освіта (Німецька мова і література).docx (51.6 Kb)

ОП на 2020-2021 навчальний рік

ОП бакалавр Середня освіта (Іспанська мова та література).docx (46.7 Kb)

ОП бакалавр Середня освіта (Німецька мова і література).docx (51.9 Kb)

ОП бакалавр Середня освіта (Французька мова та література).docx (46.2 Kb)

ОП магістр Філологія (романські мови).doc (304 Kb)

 ОП СО Магістр на 2019-2020 навчальний рік

ОП 2019 Філологія (романські мови та літератури (переклад включно) перша - іспанська).pdf (751.8 Kb)

ОП_2019_Філологія (романські мови та літератури (перклад включно) перша - французька).pdf (655.5 Kb)

ОП 2019 Філологія (германські мови та літератури (переклад включно) перша - німецька).pdf (338.8 Kb)

 ОП СО Магістр на 2020-2021 навчальний рік

ОП 2020 Філологія (германські мови та літератури (переклад включно) перша - німецька).pdf (534 Kb)

ОП_2020_Філологія (романські мови та літератури (перклад включно) перша - французька).pdf (674.9 Kb)

ОП 2020 Філологія (романські мови та літератури (переклад включно) перша - іспанська).pdf (760.3 Kb)


Угода про співробітництво між університетом Альпен-Адрія та Херсонським державним університетом.pdf (7.1 Mb)

Інформація для здобувачів щодо підвищення кваліфікації на платформі PROFLE.pdf (123 Kb)


