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scientific work of ffg

Updated: 4/26/2020

Scientific work

Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism pay much attention to scientific work with the students. The main directions of research work of students of the faculty are:

- participation in student Olympiads and competitions;

- work within the FUJF research groups;

- preparation of scientific publications;

- participation in scientific and practical conferences.

There are 11 research and problem groups working at the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism. The students who study in them investigate topical issues of linguistics, sociolinguistics, media linguistics, contemporary literary and linguistics, features of the development of the Ukrainian press, the state of its scientific study since its inception and to this day.

Студентські наукові об'єднання.docx (14.1 Kb)

Also students are actively involved in participation in inter-departmental and inter-university meetings of the round table, seminars, scientific discussions, which discuss linguistic processes of improving the modern Ukrainian language, problems of functioning of modern mass media, topical scientific and practical issues that concern young people in professional disciplines.

Special attention is paid by the faculty to the analysis of the linguistic situation in the modern society; observing and forecasting the tasks of language policy, exploring the new and problematic items in the native language vocabulary, studying the history of journalism, its current state and journalistic education.

Students of the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism are regular participants and winners of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads, competitions, scientific conferences.

For the years 2018-2019 about 50 student articles were published, which were included in the editions "Bulletin of the Tavriya Foundation", "Vyshivanka", "Formation of scientific paradigm of linguistics: main aspects and factors" (Mykolaiv), "Collection of abstracts of materials of the VIII All-Ukrainian Student Scientific Conference" (Ternopil), "Collection of theses of inter-university student scientific readings:" Zaporozhye and Zaporozhyan in literature "(Zaporozhye), to the almanac" Master's Studies ".

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