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Summer School Biodiversity Monitoring

The Summer School Biodiversity Monitoring, in which students from Switzerland, Poland and Ukraine participate, has completed its work in Switzerland.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Summer School Biodiversity Monitoring), which involves students from Switzerland, Poland and Ukraine. The participants from Ukraine are Kateryna Lavrinenko (M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany), and 3 representatives of Kherson State University - PhD student Anastasia Iosypchuk, and Master's students Victoria Bozhonok and Natalia Velychko. In total, 20 students took part in the summer school: 10 from Switzerland, 6 from Poland and 4 from Ukraine.

This summer school is organised by the University of Applied Sciences Zurich (ZHAW, CH) and the University of Warsaw (UW, PL). It is held alternately in Switzerland and Poland. This year (2023), the summer school took place on 14-25 August at the Sonnenhof residence in Preda, Canton Grisons, Switzerland. The research was actually conducted in the Swiss Alps at altitudes ranging from 1700 to 2600 m above sea level.

The main topics of the summer school are sampling and monitoring of biodiversity in a standardised way in different taxonomic groups, namely vascular plants, dipterans and small mammals. This is extremely important and valuable because you gain a broad set of skills to study many taxa that are particularly interesting from a scientific point of view. All applicants were divided into 5 international groups.

After completing the Summer School, students continue to work on the expedition materials they have received. Each group has to prepare an article.

In addition to the educational component, the school opened up new acquaintances and exchange of experience between representatives of other countries. To get acquainted with the Ukrainian culture, foreigners

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