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Dear graduates and staff of the Department of Human Biology and Immunology, we ask you to follow all the necessary rules of organization of work in a pandemic: mask mode, antiseptic treatment of hands, social distance, at the first signs of respiratory disease immediately consult a family doctor !!!

№ 58 В умовах карантину.doc (85.5 Kb)     0088 під час роботи в умовах карантину.doc (86.5 Kb)

Take care of yourself and everything will be fine !!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Dear graduates and staff of the Department of Human Biology and Immunology, we ask you to follow all the necessary rules of organization of work in a pandemic: mask mode, antiseptic treatment of hands, social distance, at the first signs of respiratory disease immediately consult a family doctor !!!

№ 58 В умовах карантину.doc (85.5 Kb)     0088 під час роботи в умовах карантину.doc (86.5 Kb)

Take care of yourself and everything will be fine !!!

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