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A meeting of the scientific and technical council took place at KSU

On November 24, 2020, a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of Kherson State University took place.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Serhiy Omelchuk, First Vice-Rector of KSU, Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council, acquainted the participants with the agenda of the meeting, noting that according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the university held the first stage of competitive selection of research and development projects. He informed that three scientific groups had developed appropriate applications for participation in the university stage of the competition.

The chairman of the scientific and technical council also stressed that all members of the council were promptly sent draft applications for research and examination results so that everyone could get acquainted, express an opinion and make proposals. "In the future, projects that will be recommended by the Scientific and Technical Council are submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to participate in the second stage of the competition," said Serhiy Omelchuk.

Professor Peschanenko VS presented the project "Development of mathematical methods for verification of legislative acts of Ukraine".

Professor Lviv MS offered the audience materials of the application "Theoretical foundations of construction and prototypes of distance learning software systems in physical and mathematical disciplines."

Professor Moisienko II presented the project "Cultural heritage sites as refuges for the preservation of steppe diversity."

Secretary of the Scientific and Technical Council Valeria Blach acquainted the audience with the results of the examination of projects.

Members of the Scientific and Technical Council unanimously supported the research projects and recommended them for participation in the second stage and further examination at the level of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

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