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Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool and Primary Education

Updated: 4/11/2024

Today the head of the department of pedagogics of primary education is Assistant Prof. L.Pyetukhova.

The department of pedagogics of primary education is the first department of the Faculty of Primary Education. Its history is inseparably linked with the faculty formation.

In 1979 the department got the name of “pedagogics and methods of primary education”. The founder of the faculty Assistant Prof. A.Prylepsky became the head of the department.

In 1984 in connection with renovation of specialization in intending teachers’ training the department received the name of “pedagogics and artistic creation”.

Such talented pedagogues as Assistant Prof. V.Goryany, Assistant Prof. V.Butenko, Assistant Prof. T.Oleynyk, Assistant Prof. T.Korshun, Prof. B.Andrievsky have contributed their mites in the history of the department.

As a result of a longstanding work, the staff of the highly qualified specialists worked at the department. They are: Prof. B.Andrievsky, Assistant Prof. A.Prylepsky, Assistant Prof. L.Pyetukhova, Assistant Prof. T.Oleynyk, senior teachers S.Vodolazskaya and N.Reznyk, assistants N.Tolstykh, A.Yerokhina, A.Vladimirova, I.Gryschenko, A.Myeshkova, senior laboratory assistant T.Veytsman.

A new time and a new state of society development stipulate for modifications in the educational system. The contemporary social order requires a search of the newest innovation teaching methods. Thus, using problem methods, practical situational tasks give the teachers a great possibility improve their instruction. The fundamentals for creation of a film library of psychological-educational orientation are laid; the reading room of the faculty is constantly replenished with specialized literature, teaching periodicals.

The application of non-typical forms of instruction by the teachers allows students to master educational material properly. Among these forms one should mention the open lectures and practical training conducted by Assistant Prof. L.Pyetukhova, Prof. B.Andrievsky, senior teacher S.Vodolazskaya, round-table discussions with the representatives of pedagogical community of the city organized by Prof. B.Andrievsky, Assistant Prof. T.Oleynyk, alternative forms of instruction in Pre-Lyceum Training School “Perspektiva” at KSPU run by assistant N.Tolstykh. In this respect it is necessary to point out rather effective application of laboratory training on pedagogics and teaching methods in Kherson secondary schools №№ 50, 13, 56. There is a large collection of videotape recordings of classes and out-of-school activities conducted by the best pedagogues of Kherson region and by student teachers.

The teachers of the department preside master's theses as well.

Recently the scientific school of Prof. B.Andrievsky has been established.

The research of scientific theme “Improvement of professional teacher’s training for primary classes by means of the humanities” is accomplished by the staff of the department. The scientific products of the department are aimed at the development of means, increasing an effectiveness of the intending teachers’ training for primary classes, problems of dissemination of the teaching conception in Kherson region, technology of designing of a modern lesson in primary school, etc. Recently three All-Ukrainian and one International scientific-practical conferences have been organized and hold by the department of pedagogics of primary education.

Annual April scientific conferences in the framework of Week of the Department became traditional. Thus, in the current year in April, 25-26 the department of pedagogics of primary education runs All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference on the subject “Modern primary school: formation and prospects”. The aim of the conference is a joint search of scientists and teacher-experts, means of basing and realization of the activities of the further development and perfection of an initial link of education in Ukraine.

Assistant Prof. L.Pyetukhova, Prof. B.Andrievsky, Assistant Prof. T.Oleynyk carry out a considerable scientific and methodic work. The teachers of the department are creative, inspired and many-sided people. Assistant Prof. A.Prylepsky, senior teachers N.Reznyk and S.Vodolazskaya, teachers N.Tolstykh, A.Vladimirova, I.Gryschenko are among them.