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Create an author's profile

Updated: 4/9/2020

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
An open-ended, non-profit project to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher IDs, a transparent way to submit research activities, and free access to those identifiers.
The main purpose of ORCID creation is to solve the problem of identifying scientists with the same names. The ORCID account includes information about the scientist's name, e-mail address, organization name, and research information.
Benefits of ORCID: quick registration, resolves the problem of identifying a researcher.
Signing up:

Researcher ID
Scientist ID is a free Thomson Reuters resource that allows you to: create a scientist profile, create a list of your own publications, search for scientists or groups of authors by topic of research, create collaborative invitations, view bibliographic metrics, associate your profile with Orcid.
You can obtain the ResearcherID at

Google Scholar
Free specialized search engine that allows you to search academic literature.
It contains four sections that meet the four main capabilities of the system:
- Google Scholar Search
- Scholar profile at Google Scholar
- My library at Google Scholar
- Google Scholar metrics
Create your own Google Scholar profile and follow all the steps to sign up at: