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Updated: 9/26/2023



  1. Academic Integrity: Compliance Issues and Dissemination Priorities for Young Scientists [Electronic resource]: col. monograph / [by the head. ed. NG Sorokina, AE Artyukhov, IO Degtyareva]. - Dnipro: DRIDA NADA, 2017. - 169 p.
  2. Software for Verification of Scientific Texts for Plagiarism: An Information Review / Compiled by: AR Vergun, LV Savenkova, SO Chukanova; editorial boards: VS Pashkova, OV Voskoboynikova-Guzeva, Ya. E. Soshinskaya; Ukrainian Library Association. - Kyiv: UBA, 2016. - Electron. kind. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CDROM). - 36 sec.
  3. Academic honesty as a basis for sustainable university development / International. grace. International Foundation. stock. research. education. politics ”; for the total. ed. TV Finikova, AE Artyukhov - K .; Taxon, 2016. - 234 p.
  4. Studying students' academic virtue in the university library: methodical tips / authors-compilers: LV Savenkova, SO Chukanova; editorial boards: VS Pashkova, OV Voskoboynikova-Guzeva, Ya. E. Soshinskaya; Ukrainian Library Association. - Kyiv: UBA, 2016. - Electron. kind. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). - 39 sec.
  5. Fundamentals of forming a culture of academic virtue in the library: information review / authors-compilers: Yakunina NV, Chinyuk AA, Rudenko YV; editorial boards: VS Pashkova, OV Voskoboynikova-Guzeva, Ya. E. Soshinskaya, OO Serbin; Scientific Library. M. Maximovich of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; Ukrainian Library Association. - Kyiv: UBA, 2016. - Electron. kind. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). - 41 sec.
  6. Guidelines for Higher Education Institutions Supporting the Principles of Academic Integrity [Electronic resource] / Order. : V. Bakhrushin, E. Nikolaev. 



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  • if the author's opinion is quoted verbatim, then it should be quoted;
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