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ONP Biology

Updated: 7/12/2021

Educational and scientific program "Biology"

third (educational and scientific) level of higher education

in specialty 091 Biology

field of knowledge 09 Biology

Рецензія Костіков ОНП Біологія PhD 2020.pdf (526.6 Kb) 

Рецензія онп 091 Біологія.pdf (118.3 Kb)

ОНП-091 Біологія PhD 2016 - 2020.pdf (17.3 Mb)

Draft educational and scientific program


third (educational and scientific) level of higher education

in specialty 091 Biology

field of knowledge 09 Biology

 ОНП 091 Біологія PhD 2020-2024.pdf (806.3 Kb)

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