FBGE International activities

Updated: 11/9/2023

Welcome to the School's international activities page.
Here you will find information about international academic opportunities and our projects.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions:
Assistant Dean for International Relations Mykola Homaniuk document.write(putMail('mgomanyuk','ksu.ks.ua'))%20"> 

Kherson Chapter of the European Association of Young Geographers (EGEA)
Head Muzyka Ilya idocument.write(putMail('llia.muzyka','university.kherson.ua'))%20"> 

International academic opportunities

  • Thursday, May 02, 2024

    Our student is the face of KSU at the famous Central European University

    Ilya Muzyka, a 2nd year bachelor student of FBGE, is conquering new heights. In February 2024, he was selected for the certificate program from the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) “Invisible University for Ukraine”

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  • Thursday, May 02, 2024

    Professor Ivan Moysienko and student Olena Shchepeleva contributed to the creation of the Ukrainian National Pavilion at the 18th Architecture Biennale in Venice (Italy).

    Professor Ivan Moysienko and student Olena Shchepeleva contributed to the creation of the Ukrainian National Pavilion at the 18th Architecture Biennale in Venice (Italy). The Pavilion “Before the Future”, curated by Iryna Miroshnykova, Oleksii Petrov and Borys Filonenko, is a project that took place over eight months at two locations of the Biennale and presented five changing exhibitions designed by teams of female and male architects about reconstruction, commemoration, ecology, and the future.

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  • Thursday, May 02, 2024

    “Liberated Map” at KSU

    The Department of Geography and Ecology of Kherson State University participates in the project “Liberated Map”, which is being implemented by the Kherson Regional Department of the Sociological Association of Ukraine with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy Foundation (EED) as part of the project “Liberated Map”. Faculties of the Department organized a scientific and practical conference “POLICY OF MEMORY AND COMMEMORATION IN SOUTHERN UKRAINE: RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES” (Ivano-Frankivsk, May 20-21, 2024), which was attended by scholars, officials, and civic activists from Kherson, Odesa, and Kyiv. 

    Views(218)   More

  • Thursday, November 09, 2023

    We invite you to take part in the conference with international participation

    We invite scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions, school teachers, graduate students, applicants of all levels of higher education, representatives of public authorities and NGOs to take part in the conference "Forms of distance work in the training of applicants for natural sciences", which will be held on 16-17 November 2023

    Views(344)   More

  • Thursday, November 09, 2023

    Call for proposals for research and development projects "Joint Ukrainian-Swiss research projects: Call for proposals 2023"

    Call for proposals for research and development projects
    "Joint Ukrainian-Swiss research projects: Call for proposals 2023"

    The National Research Foundation of Ukraine in cooperation with the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) announces a new call for proposals "Joint Ukrainian-Swiss Research Projects: Call for Proposals 2023"
    The aim of the competition is to enable scientists in Ukraine to carry out scientific and technical activities in any field of science in cooperation with scientists in Switzerland. The competition is aimed at scientists currently based in Ukraine, including young scientists.
    The thematic area of the Competition is basic research. Joint projects from any scientific field, as well as interdisciplinary joint projects are welcome.
    Date and time of the application deadline: 12.10.2023, 00:01 Kyiv time.
    Date and time of the application deadline: 12.12.2023, 23:59 Kyiv time.
    Questions about submitting projects in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics:
    Questions about submitting projects in biology, medicine and agricultural sciences:
    Questions about submitting projects in the social sciences and humanities:
    To read the terms of the competition, please follow the link:

    Views(357)   More

  • Thursday, November 09, 2023

    Attention: US exchange programme for teachers

    Attention: US exchange programme for teachers

    Views(296)   More

International activities of the faculty

Updated: 11/9/2023

Kherson branch of EGEA

The Kherson branch of the European Association of Young Geographers (EGEA) is working at our faculty. It is an international non-governmental organisation that organises congresses, exchanges, excursions and other interesting events for students studying geography, ecology and urban studies. Participation in EGEA is an opportunity to see the world and improve your knowledge of social sciences and language skills.
The Kherson chapter of EGEA was established in 2015. As part of EGEA, our students have travelled to Croatia, Hungary, Poland, and other cities of Ukraine. The first head of the branch was Anastasia Markeliuk. Now the centre is headed by Ilya Muzyka. Here is his address
Join the Kherson chapter of EGEA! Write to the head of the chapter at

The emblem of our chapter is a polar bear. This is a bear cub from our faculty museum of nature. He came to us in Kherson in 1917 from Tartu and is an old resident of our university.

EGEA website https://egea.eu/