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Rating of students

Updated: 2/1/2024

2023 - 2024 навчальний рік

ФПІС рейтинг для призначення стипендый на 2 семестр 2023-2024 н.р.pdf (1 Mb)

ФПІС рейтингові списки 1 курс 2023-2024.pdf (436.3 Kb)

ФПІС рейтинг для призначення стипендій на 1 семестр 2023-2024.pdf (850.8 Kb)

2022 - 2023 навчальний рік

ФПІС рейтингові списки здобувачів за результатами навчання у ІІ семестрі 2021 - 2022 н.р..pdf (287.5 Kb)

ФПІС рейтингові списки І семестр 2022-2023.pdf (1.1 Mb)


2021-2022 academic year

 FPIS rating lists based on learning outcomes in the first semester of 2021 - 2022 academic year..pdf

Ranking lists of FPIS students based on the results of studies in the second semester of 2020 - 2021 academic year..pdf

Rating of students (studentship), winter session 2019-2020 year:

rating of students 1 course.doc (33 Kb)

rating of students 1 course (master).doc (36.5 Kb)

rating of students 2 course.doc (40 Kb)

rating of students 3 course.doc (46 Kb)

rating of students 4 course .doc (38 Kb)

rating of students  (studentship), Independent external evaluation 2019 year:

rating of students 1 courseу (Bachelor) (196 Kb)

rating of students 1 courseу(Master)  (142 Kb) 

Rating of students (studentship), summer session 2018-2019 year:

rating of students 2 courseу (2019,summer).doc (237 Kb)

rating of students 3 courseу (2019, summer).doc (246 Kb)

rating of students 4 courseу (2019, summer).doc (188.5 Kb)

rating of students 2 courseу, Master (2019, summer).doc (126.5 Kb)

Rating of students (studentship), winter session 2018-2019 year:

1 (winter19) course.doc (192 Kb)

2 (winter19) course.doc (300.5 Kb)

3 (winter19) course.doc (201.5 Kb)

4 (winter19) course.doc (266.5 Kb)

1 course, Master (winter19).doc (136.5 Kb)

 Rating of students  (studentship), Independent external evaluation 2018 year:

 rating of students 1 courseу (Bachelor).doc (196.5 Kb)

  rating of students 1 courseу (Master).doc (130 Kb)

Rating of students (studentship), summer session 2017-2018 year:

 rating of students 2 courseу.doc (377 Kb)

rating of students 3 courseу.doc (278.5 Kb)

rating of students 4 courseу.doc (371.5 Kb)

rating of students 2 courseу ( Master).doc (373.5 Kb)

 Rating of students (studentship), winter session 2017-2018 year:

1 course.doc (72 Kb)

2 course.doc (265 Kb)

3 course.doc (390.5 Kb)

4 course_.doc (112.5 Kb) 

1 course  (Master).doc (331.5 Kb)