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The scientific-methodical work

Updated: 6/15/2020

The Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy leads all kinds of training on full-time, part-time forms of study. For this purpose, programs of regulatory and variational disciplines are developing, their information and didactic support are providing.

The department improves the teaching quality of, including through the introduction of modern learning tools and the latest pedagogical technologies. Prepares graduates to master the mechanism of orientation in the labor market, ensuring their competitiveness. Organizes work to establish and strengthen ties with schools, businesses, institutions, organizations. Improves the logistics of the educational process. Introduces into the educational process the achievements of science and technology, the experience of educational-methodical and educational work of leading teachers. Establishes and maintains creative relations with the departments of other institutions of higher education, cooperates with enterprises, institutions, organizations in the practical training of students.

Lecturers of the department are constantly working on the issue of the methodological provision enriching of disciplines for the education of applicants for higher education of specialties 102 Chemistry, 014.06 Secondary education (chemistry), 226 Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy Bachelor's degree, Master's degree. Author programs of disciplines of all blocks of the curriculum; manuals; methodical recommendations and methodical instructions for carrying out laboratory, practical, seminar classes and students independent work are development of educational-methodical materials for carrying out all kinds of educational classes.

Works of the department's lecturers for the last five years:

1. Shevriakov M.V. Osnovy toksykolohichnoi khimii: navchalnyi posibnyk  dlia studentiv zakladiv vyshchoi osvity khimichnykh, farmatsevtychnykh, biolohichnykh ta ekolohichnykh spetsialnostei / Shevriakov M.V. – Kherson, OLDI PLIuS. – 2020. – 226 s.

2. Vyshnevska L.V. Metodychni rekomendatsii shchodo napysannia, oformlennia ta protsedury zakhystu kursovykh ta vypusknykh robit studentamy rivnia vyshchoi osvity: bakalavr, mahistr (haluzi znan: 01 Osvita, spetsialnist: 014.06 Serednia osvity ( khimiia); haluz znan: 10 Pryrodnychi nauky: 102 Khimiia; haluz znan: 0401 Pryrodnychi nauky, napriam pidhotovky: 6.040101. Khimiia* / L.V. Vyshnevska, S.M. Ivanyshchuk, T.A. Popovych, H.O. Riabinina, V.M. Blyzniuk – Kherson: Ailant, 2017. – 74s.Praktykum «Zbirnyk zavdan z orhanichnoi, biolohichnoi, analitychnoi ta farmatsevtychnoi khimii dlia samostiinoi roboty studentiv» dlia studentiv zakladiv vyshchoi osvity spetsialnosti 226 Farmatsiia, promyslova farmatsiia / Rechytskyi O.N., Reshnova S.F., Popovych T.A Kherson: FOP Vyshemyrskyi V.S., 2020. – 138 s.

3. Rechytskyi O.N. Vid budovy do syntezu orhanichnykh spoluk / O. N. Rechytskyi, S. F. Reshnova. – Kherson : PP Vyshemyrskyi V.S., 2015. – 400 s.

4. Rechytskyi O.N. Indyvidualni zavdannia dlia samostiinoi roboty studentiv z orhanichnoi khimii / O.N. Rechytskyi, S.F. Reshnova. – Kherson: PP Vyshemyrskyi V.S., 2015. – 134 s.

5. Rechytskyi O.N. Khimiia vysokomolekuliarnykh spoluk: navchalnyi posibnyk / O.N. Rechytskyi, S.F. Reshnova. – Kherson: PP Vyshemyrskyi V.S., 2018. – 461 s.

6. Rechytskyi O.N. Metodychni rekomendatsii do laboratornoho praktykumu ta indyvidualni zavdannia z metodiv syntezu neorhanichnykh ta orhanichnykh spoluk / O.N. Rechytskyi, S.Iu. Kot. – Kherson : PP Vyshemyrskyi V.S., 2016. – 167 s.

7. Reshnova S.F. Praktykum z biokhimii sportu / S.F. Reshnova, B.H. Kedrovskyi. – Kherson: PP Vyshemyrskyi V.S., 2016. – 124 s.

8. Reshnova S.F.  Laboratornyi zoshyt z orhanichnoi ta biolohichnoi khimii. Metodychni rekomendatsii dlia studentiv 1 kursu spetsialnosti 226 Farmatsiia, promyslova farmatsiia /  S.F. Reshnova. – Kherson : PP Vyshemyrskyi V.S., 2018. – 72 s.

9. Shevriakov M.V. Analitychna khimiia. Yakisnyi analiz neorhanichnykh ta orhanichnykh rechovyn: navchalnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv / M.V. Shevriakov, H.O. Riabinina, S.M. Ivanyshchuk, M.V. Povstianyi. – Kherson: Oldi-plius, 2017. – 516 s.

10. Shevriakov M.V. Navchalnyi posibnyk «Praktykum z analitychnoi khimii. Kilkisnyi analiz neorhanichnykh ta orhanichnykh rechovyn» dlia studentiv khimichnykh ta farmatsevtychnykh spetsialnostei zakladiv vyshchoi osvity / Shevriakov M.V., Riabinina H.O., Popovych T.A. – Kherson, OLDI PLIuS. – 2019 – 302 s.

11. Rechytskyi O.N. Analiz likarskykh preparativ. Laboratornyi praktykum / O.N. Rechytskyi, S.F. Reshnova, O.V. Sydorenko, S.Iu. Kot, V.A. Filipova. – Kherson : KhDU, 2017. – 84 s.

12. Riabinina A.O. Praktykum z fizychnoi ta koloidnoi khimii. II chastyna. / A.O. Riabinina, S.M. Ivanyshchuk – FOP Hryn D.S. – 2015. – 124 s.