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Bushneva Valeriya

Updated: 3/18/2013

Bushneva Valeriya


high-pedagogical 1988-1993,

Kherson pedagogical Institution by N.K. Krupskoy Specialty

«Teacher of Russian and literature”»


Carries out: register contracts of tenancy of state property; conduct the registration and informative base of economic agreements of celled in an university; conduct a registration and informative base on the leaseholders of university, watches after the timeliness of extending action of contracts of tenancy or their dissolution; conduct the analysis of the state economic-contractual work and lease of state property, develops suggestions in relation to its improvement; responsible for the nomenclature of businesses in a department; co-ordinating work with enterprises and contractors; organize a concordance and bore sighting of economic agreements in a legal department; communicating the process of work from RV of FDMU on the Kherson area and MOEU in relation to economic-contractual work and lease of state property; communicate with the workers of university and contractors accountable for entering into economic contracts for providing of their timely conclusion; work with the programs documents which are worked off in a department and relate to economic-contractual works; registration of agreements and additional agreements.