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TOP-200 Ukraine

Updated: 6/17/2023

Methodology of project "ТОР-200 Ukraine" that is created in accordance with the Berlin принципівранжування universities, is based on the use of open data of the direct measuring (by total weight of 85%), and expert conclusions of specialists in industry of higher education and main labour-markets of Ukraine (by total weight of 15%). In accordance with this methodology activity of ЗВО is estimated by means of the integrated index - Iз. This index contains three complex constituents: Iз = Iнп (40%)  + Iн (25%)  + Iмв (20%), where Iнп are indexes of quality of scientifically-pedagogical potential, Iн is an index of quality of studies, Iмв is an index of international confession.

All for forming of the marked indexes 30 indicators of the direct measuring (questionnaire data, information from the web-sites of ЗВО, data of international associations of universities, data about participating of ЗВО in international projects (Horizon 2020, Erasmus+), information about participating of ЗВО in the international rating (Webometrics, Scopus, uniRank), data METAL-OXIDE-SEMICONDUCTOR Ukraine, ЄДЕБО, data of Committee on questions the state bonuses of Ukraine and bonuses the name of Т.Шевченка, participation of ЗВО in projects that is financed NATO within the framework of Program "Science for the sake of the world and safety", participating of ЗВО in білатеральних projects, middle competitive point of entrant and other open given) were used.

The expert evaluation of quality of scientifically-pedagogical potential and quality of studies with total weight of 15% was conducted on such criteria: level of base, general preparation of students, level of professional preparation, level of the practical possessing information technologies, highly sought of graduating students of ЗВО by a labour-market.