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Creating scientist profiles

Updated: 9/6/2022

An author's profile is a collection of information in a scientometric database concerning: place of work of the author, his publications and their citation, years of publishing activity, field of research, co-authorship, scientometric indicators (citation index, Hirsch index, etc.), the list used in the works of literary sources, etc. Each author profile is assigned a unique identifier. Author profiles in separate databases are automatically created when an author even publishes one article (Author ID in Scopus), in others - special tools are created for combining and correcting author data (ResearcherID in WoS, author profile in Google Scholar), etc.

Creating your own academic profile online can help demonstrate your visibility and credibility as well as identify the interests of researchers and find potential collaborators in your field of research.

Author ID (ID) is a unique identifier that is used to distinguish you from other researchers who have the same or similar names and to help link all your publications and research to your profile on databases or on the Internet.

We offer several services to help you create a personal profile.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an open, international, multidisciplinary registry of unique identifiers for researchers. Provides free access to scientists' profiles and transparently presents their research activities. Instruction

Researcher ID is a registry of unique identifiers for scientists from Clarivate Analytics (developer of the Web of Science platform). Instruction

Google Scholar (Google Scholar) is a non-profit, specialized search engine that indexes and publishes scientific publications. Instruction 

Scopus Author ID - The author ID that is automatically assigned to a researcher when his or her publications appear in publications indexed by Scopus. Instruction 

ResearchGate is a free social network, a platform for the scientific community, and a tool for collaboration between scientists in various scientific fields. Instruction 

Mendeley is a bibliographic information management system with connections to the international social network of scientists. Mendeley is a product of Elsevier. This system product allows to increase efficiency of scientific work and journalistic activity of scientists. The program is available for free installation. Instruction