Practical training: training, production, pre-graduate

Updated: 11/6/2020

Biology students complete a number of educational and industrial practices during their education. The practice leaders are leading specialists of KHSU, in particular, teachers of the Department of Botany

Pre-graduate practice

Pre-graduate practice applicants for their master's degree specialty 091 Biology (under the educational and Professional Program "Biology") 2020-2021.

Pre-Graduate Internship Program (SVO "master's degree", specialty 091 biology (for

OPP " Biology")

Переддипломна 1 курс 091 Біологія магістр.pdf (277.4 Kb)


Pre-Graduate Internship Program (SVO "master's degree", specialty 091 biology (for

OPP " Biology")

Переддипломна 091 Біологія магістр 2 курс 2020-2021 .pdf (490.2 Kb)


Pre-graduate practice of applicants of the RPO "master" specialty 091 Biology (under the educational and professional program "biology") is organized on the basis of the Department of Botany and the Department of human biology and immunology, as well as research laboratories of these departments. It is held in the 3rd semester and lasts 8 weeks
Pre-Graduate Internship Program (RPO "master's degree", specialty 091 biology (for OPP " Biology")

Переддипломна практика 091 Біологія_М_ програма.pdf (232.8 Kb)


                                          Production practices
Industrial practice of applicants for their master's degree specialty 091 Biology
 full-time education (under the educational 
and Professional Program "Biology")2020-2021: 
program Виробнича практика 1 курс магістр 091 Біологія.pdf (720.7 Kb)

Industrial practice of applicants for their master's degree specialty 091 
Biology full-time education (under the educational 
and Professional Program "Biology")2020-2021:
 program Виробнича асистентська 091 біологія д.pdf (980.4 Kb)

Industrial practice of applicants for their master's degree specialty 
091 Biology correspondence form of Education 
(under the educational and Professional Program "Biology")2020-2021:
program Виробнича асистентська 091 біологія з.pdf (781.5 Kb)
