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Updated: 4/3/2024

Popovych Ihor Stepanovych

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor



October 16-23, 2021.

The purpose of full-time study: to increase the level of professional competence and qualification by mastering the achievements and trends of university education in the EU
Name of the institution (institution) in which full-time training Clinical bases of Rene Descartes University and Denis Diderot (France)

Full-time results:

Mastered five educational modules with a total volume of 72 hours: module 1 - Education system abroad (12 hours); module 2 - The organization of health care in France: traditions and modernity (8 hours); module 3 - Higher education in France (12 hours); module 4 - Clinical psychology in France (32 hours); module 5 - Workshop on the specialty (8 hours). He got acquainted with the system of higher education in France. He attended master classes of a prominent scientist, world-renowned professional - Mykola Miroshnyk on the basis of the state-of-the-art Georges Pompidou Hospital. It is expediently combined educational material: mini-lecture / demonstration / practical part. He got acquainted with examples of combining theory and instant practical implementation of the research with the introduction of scientific achievements in practice with the gradual commercialization. He became acquainted with modern clinical psychology in France.

Popovych Ihor Stepanovych

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor

Internship period

from May 5, 2019 to May 12, 2019 Order of April 19, 2019 № 208-K

Purpose of internship in the internationalization of the educational process and academic mobility of students and teachers, acquaintance with innovative methods and technologies in the educational process , aimed at the integration of science and practice

Name of the institution in which the internship was conducted Varna University of Management (Varna, Bulgaria)


Internship results:

Development of a joint research program in the framework of individual research projects, discussion of the plan of joint online conferences and seminars. Internationalization of the educational process, the possibility of receiving education in VUM by students from other countries. Prospects for academic mobility as part of the educational process at the university. Behavioral culture of the teacher in a multinational student body. Coordination of the content of joint scientific publications in publications indexed in international scientometric databases. Certificate "Innovative methods and technologies of higher education in a globalizing world" № 46 / 11.05.2019, Varna University of Management.


Tavrovetska Natalia Ivanivna Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Internship period

22.02.2013 - 03.03.2013

Order № 122-D of February 6, 2013

Internship purpose

Improving the level of professional competence and qualification by mastering the achievements and trends of university education in the EU

Name of the institution where the internship took place

University of Informatics and Arts, Lodz, Republic Poland

 Internship results:

passed an internship: Topic: "Modern university - a project approach to the organization of work in accordance with the provisions of the European Qualifications Framework"