КА 3: Підтримка реформ

Updated: 11/26/2018

КА3: Support for reform


•        Supporting EU implementations/developments in educational policy  to achive better systematic impact.

Main activities that are supported under this action:

•        Support for the Open Method of Coordination, the agenda for the modernization of higher education, the Bologna Process

•        Development and implementation of EU transparency instruments ізапровадженняінструментівпрозоростi (ECTS, ...)

•        Recognition of qualifications (NARIC – national agency for the recognition and comparison of international qualifications and skills)

•        Network of experts on higher education reform in the neighboring countries and candidate countries:http://www.erasmusplus.org.ua/erasmus/ka3-pidtrymka-reform/natsionalna-komanda-ekspertiv-here.html

•        International Dialogue on Educational Policy

•        World Association of Graduates

•        International attractiveness and promotion


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