VII International theoretical and practical conference ICTERI 2011

Updated: 10/31/2011

"ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications: Integration,
Harmonization, and Knowledge Transfer" (4-7 may 2011)

Conference Organizers: 

Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine

Institution of Information Technology and Training Aids, APS of Ukraine

V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University

Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt

Taras Shevchenko National University

Kherson State University

DataArt Solutions Inc.


The 7th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications (ICTERI 2011) aims to bring together academics and practitioners interested in the technological advances and business applications of Information and Communication Technologies and Infrastructures.

ICTERI focuses on real world applications; therefore authors should highlight the benefits of their results or experience for industry and services, in addition to academic world. Papers describing advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques and general survey papers indicating future directions are also encouraged. Both technological and methodological submissions are welcome. All papers must describe original work, not previously published or submitted elsewhere.

Companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or individuals interested in giving a tutorial, organizing a focused mini-session are invited to contact the conference steering committee.

Conference Scope

We solicit full research, work-in-progress, discussion papers and industry experience reports. In particular, but not exclusively, we solicit papers within the following topics:

- ICT infrastructures, integration and interoperability

o Linked Open Data and Data Clouds

o Data Grids and Grid Infrastructures

o Web Services and distributed computing

o Semantic Web Services

o Service choreographies and orchestrations

o High performance computing

o Ubiquitous computing

o Distributed data warehousing and business intelligence

o Concurrent computation

o Agent systems for integration and interoperability

- Machine Intelligence, knowledge engineering (KE), and knowledge management (KM) for ICT

o Methodologies for KE and KM

o Knowledge models and representations in ICT applications and related domains

o Knowledge based collaboration, knowledge distribution, and evolution of knowledge

o Advanced knowledge modeling languages and tools

o Foundations of KE and KM

o Layered intelligence in KE and KM

o Provenance, reliability and trust in KM

o KM and KE for collaboration and decision support

o Distribute, approximate, large-scale reasoning in ICT

- Cooperation between academia and industry in ICT

o Management of joint academic-industrial research and development

o Deployments of ICT for academic-industrial cooperation and knowledge transfer

o Industrial experiences in using ICT and knowledge technologies

- Methodological and didactical aspects of teaching ICT and using ICT in education

o Spectrum of professional qualifications: labor market needs, the impact of the labor market on the formation of the graduates’ competences;

o Standardization of IT specialists’ training and specializations: balance between theoretical and practical training; elective courses – what is it?;

o Quality assurance of IT specialist training;

o Participation of universities in professional retraining and life-long training on demand of the labor market;

o ICT tools and environments for professional training at universities;

o Computer mathematics and modeling systems in education;

o Competence paradigm of education and research approach in education with ICT support;

o Microcomputer laboratories in education (Sciences, Mathematics, Languages, Engineering etc.);

o ICT support for virtual educational communities (social constructivism and constructionism approach);

o CAT (Computer adopting testing) and MS (monitoring systems) in education.


Costs of participants


Participants will not pay:
Publication fees of the conference materials.

Participants should pay:
Organization fees;
Moving in and out of Kherson;
The cost of the conference collection of articles (80 UAH).