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Updated: 11/17/2016

Project full name (project abbreviation) Development of integrated environment for control of students' knowledge on economical and mathematical disciplines of normative part for higher educational establishments (“Economics”)
Number and date of contract # ІТ/541-2009 from 2009, July the 20th.
Registration in Ukr INTEI State registrarion number 0109 U 006320
UDC  004.4: 378.147
Customer Department of education and science of Ukraine
Financing 180 thousand UAH
Purpose of work

Development of integrated environment for control of student's knowledge on economical and mathematical disciplines of normative part for higher educational establishments for specialty 6.050100 “Enterprise Economics”, 6.050101 “Economical theory”, dedicated for using in intermediate, module and final knowledge control in auditorial, distance and correspondence forms of studying.

Results of work

The main advantage of the environment is an ability of organizing with it's help current, module and final control of students' knowledge in higher educational establishments with passing tests and problems solving. The environment provides for both lector and students all abilities for implementing effective control and fixing students' knowledge of normative economical and mathematical disciplines.

Anntation (upto 500 print characters)

As a result of the project development, the Integrated system for testing students' knowledge of the current, module and final control will be created for students of economic specialties of higher educational establishments of III-IV accreditation levels and listeners of disciplines of Centers retraining and upgrading of the standard; platform provides statistical processing of the control of knowledge, periodical updating of regulatory targets for the economy in the form of tests and tasks, demonstrating performance through built-in mathematical and graphical editors.