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Updated: 3/8/2021

The bookmark “ Library” has information (bibliographic data and annotations)   on  monographs, textbooks, manuals and methodological recommendations of teachers of the department. 

Updated: 3/3/2021


Stratonov V.M. Scientific and practical commentary on the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. As of February 21, 2020. / For the head. ed. Loshytsky MV - Kyiv. Publishing House "Professional", 2020.- 1288 p.

ISBN 978-966-370-351-0

The scientific-practical commentary is intended for judges, prosecutors, investigators, operational staff and lawyers for use in practice, as well as a textbook for students of educational institutions that train specialists in the field of law.


Stratonov V.M., Kelman M.S. General theory of law: a textbook / MS Kelman, W.M. Stratonov. - View. 6, ext. - Kherson: OLDI-PLUS, 2020.- 742 p.

ISBN 978-966-289-348-9

The textbook covers the general theory of law taking into account the current state of domestic and foreign legal science. Along with traditional topics, it contains sections that reflect changes in the theory of law, Ukrainian statehood and sectoral legislation. In presenting the material, the authors use new methodological approaches, methods, techniques, theoretical provisions, highlight current issues of modern legal reality. Readers are offered a workshop, which contains diagrams, tests, practical situations, tasks, crossword puzzles and more.

Designed for a wide audience - students, trainees, masters, graduate students, teachers of law schools and specialists in the field of general jurisprudence and public administration, as well as readers interested in the problems of jurisprudence.


Sotula O.S. Criminal-legal protection of human life in the countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family: retrospective, comparative studies, modeling: [monograph] / Alexander Sotula.- Kh .: Publisher Ivanchenko IS, 2015.- 429, [3] p.

ISBN 978-617-7377-05-3

The monograph presents a conceptual comparative legal study of the criminal legislation of Ukraine and other countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family in terms of ensuring the criminal protection of human life. Features of historical development and sources of the corresponding criminal legislation are opened. Possible borrowings of positive experience of the countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family in the field of rule-making are determined.

For researchers, teachers, graduate students, associate professors, law students and law schools, it can be useful for law enforcement and judicial officials.



Maltsev O.V., Sainchin O.S., Sotula O.S. Theoretical foundations of premeditated murder investigation: criminal law, forensic and psychological aspects. Psychological portrait of a serial killer [monograph] - Odessa, 2019

The monograph presents a conceptual comparative legal study of the criminal legislation of Ukraine and other countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family in terms of ensuring the criminal law protection of human life. The theoretical basis of the investigation of premeditated murders, the peculiarities of the investigation of their individual types and the tactics of search and detention of suspects and accused in their commission are determined. Possible borrowings of positive experience of the countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family in the field of rule-making are determined.

The monograph also contains the results of a separate scientific study to determine the psychological portrait of a serial killer. Based on a comprehensive psychological model, a classification of existing serial killers has been developed, the parameters of such a person have been identified: the reasons that push a person to the destructive way of committing premeditated serial killings have also been identified for the first time.

For researchers, teachers, graduate students, associate professors, law students and law schools, it can be useful for law enforcement and judicial officials.



Qualification of crimes in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine: textbook. way. / [Sotula O.S. topic 2] for general ed. OHM. Litvinova; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kharkiv. nat. University of Internal Affairs affairs. Zarkiv: Konstanta, 2017.- 448 p.

ISBN 978-966-342-390-6

The textbook covers the main issues of the discipline "Qualification of Crimes", its general principles, principles and stages, as well as the qualification of the main types of crimes under the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which are most common in services and units of the National Police of Ukraine.

For cadets and students of law schools, teachers, graduate students and associate professors, scientists, practitioners, as well as a wide range of readers who are interested in combating crime.


Pashchenko O.Y., Stratonov V.M., Zubenko V.V. Features of the organization of detection and investigation of premeditated murders: Training manual. - Kherson: Dream, 2003.- 220p.

The textbook develops the basic organizational, legal and methodological measures for investigative and operational actions in the detection and investigation of premeditated murders. The recommendations have both educational and practical orientation, are offered for use both in the educational process and in the investigation of crimes. The authors used significant factual material and extensive personal experience of practical, pedagogical and scientific activities.

Designed for faculty, scientists, students and cadets of higher legal education, as well as investigators and other law enforcement officers of Ukraine.


Sotula O.S. Criminal-legal characteristics and bases of investigation of premeditated murders: monograph / О.С. Sotula, OS Sainchin, foreword by EL Streltsova.- Kherson-Odessa: Helvetica Publishing House, 2018.- 928 p.

ISBN 978-966-916-478-0

The monograph presents a conceptual comparative legal study of the criminal legislation of Ukraine and other countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family in terms of ensuring the criminal protection of human life. The theoretical bases of investigation of premeditated murders, features of investigation of their separate kinds and tactics of search and detention of suspects and accused in their commission are defined. Possible borrowings of positive experience of the countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family in the field of rule-making are determined.

For researchers, teachers, graduate students, associate professors, law students and law schools, it can be useful for law enforcement and judicial officials.


Lukashevich V.G., Stratonov V.M. Reproduction of the situation and circumstances of the event as a method of cognition in the investigation of crimes: A textbook. –Kherson: HUI NUVS, 2004. 154 p.

The textbook comprehensively explores some modern problems of the theory and practice of forensic tactics on the basis of its own methodological approach. The positive domestic and foreign positive experience of conducting certain investigative actions is generalized and recommendations for further improvement of their cognitive, organizational and tactical principles are developed.

Designed for researchers, teachers, cadets and students of higher legal institutions of education of practitioners.



Stratonov V.M. - the general part, chapters 1,17 of the special part; Sotula OS - chapters 2-16, 18, 19 of the special part. Publishing House "Truth" -2007

ISBN 966-7613-99-2

The textbook, based on the achievements of the science of criminal law, taking into account the case law and the works of famous scientists, covers the main issues of the General and Special part of the criminal law of Ukraine. The classification of crimes within each section of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is carried out, the analysis of structures of the crimes studied within consideration of a course is given.

For students, teachers of law schools, as well as employees of the court, prosecutor's office, bar, MIA, SBU and anyone interested in criminal law.



War crimes: criminal law, forensic and criminological characteristics: a collective monograph / For general. reg. of V.M. Stratonov, EL Streltsov.- Kherson: Helvetica Publishing House, 2015. -340 p.

ISBN 978-617-7178-75-9

The monograph, taking into account the provisions of the National Security of Ukraine, military strategy and security (their legal definition), provides a comprehensive description of war crimes.

For scientists, practitioners and students, a wide range of readers.



Stratonov V.M. Criminalistics. Guide to forensic technology: a practical guide.-tKherson, 2004.- 147 p.

ISBN 966-8422-13-9

The manual provides concepts and descriptions of forensic techniques - forensic tools, the rules of their use, as well as schemes of descriptions and examples of their use in the protocols of investigative actions.

The manual is intended for cadets and students of higher educational institutions of legal profile, as well as teachers and practitioners.


Forensics: a textbook / [A.V. Samodin, Y.M. Chornous, W.M. Stratonov and others]; for general ed. VV Peskovsky.- 2nd ed., Worked and reported.- Kyiv: Branch of the publishing house "Law", 2020.

ISBN 978-966-937-828-6

The textbook outlines the general theoretical foundations of forensic science, the provisions of forensic technology and its individual branches, reveals the theory and practice of forensic tactics, as well as modern approaches to the methodology of investigation of certain types of criminal offenses.

The textbook is designed for applicants for higher education, graduate students and research and teaching staff of higher education institutions of law, law enforcement officers, judges, lawyers and other representatives of the legal profession.



Galunko V.M., Zubenko V.V., Novikova M.M., Stratonov V.M. Jurisprudence: Educational and methodical manual / For general. ed. of Ph.D. Professor V.M. Stratonov.- Kherson: Green DS, 2015.- 320p.

ISBN 978-617-7243-95-2

The purpose of studying the discipline "Jurisprudence" is to teach students the basic theoretical principles and concepts of national law of Ukraine, the laws of the rule of law, the formation of a high level of legal awareness and legal culture, the ability to interpret and correctly apply regulations in practice, competently assess legal facts , free to navigate in the modern legal field.

Each topic in the manual provides lesson plans (lectures, practical), a list of basic regulations and an indicative list of sources, provides a list of control questions and topics for writing essays.

The textbook is designed for lectures, seminars and practical classes on the subject of "Law". The content of the manual is built in accordance with the curriculum of higher educational institutions of the IV level of accreditation. It is based on the progressive work of leading legal scholars, the latest domestic legislation and the author's work of the authors of the compilers.