Dear applicants!

Updated: 4/16/2024

We invite you to study in the specialties of the faculty!

Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology

Updated: 8/29/2024


This world will be saved by man.
A man who carries love and mercy.
The mind can be darkened, the eyes can be deceived, but a person hears with the heart.
And this heart will save

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  • Friday, December 20, 2024

    City tour "Secrets of Ivano-Frankivsk"

    On December 19, 2024, an excursion "Secrets of Ivano-Frankivsk" was held for applicants and teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work. Participants had the opportunity to get to know the city of Ivano-Frankivsk better, which hospitably received our educational institution during the war.

  • Friday, December 20, 2024

    Defenses of qualification theses of master's degree students in psychology took place on December 16-20

    The Commission for the Certification of Applicants of the Second (Master's) Level of Higher Education in the Specialty 053 Psychology worked as follows:

    Chairman of the Commission: Astremska I.V. - Professor of the Department of Psychology (Educational and Scientific Medical Institute) of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor;

    Deputy Chairman of the Commission: Popovych I.S. - Professor of the Department of Psychology, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor;

    Members of the Commission: Tavrovetska N.I. - Acting Head of the Department of Psychology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor; Shaposhnikova I.V. - Acting Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor. Secretary: Mazurkevych N.M. - Specialist of the 1st Category of the Department of Psychology.

    The certification of higher education applicants of the second master's level of the OP "Psychology" in the Ivano-Frankivsk office of Kherson State University was attended by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of KhSU Yuriy Rozhkov. A successful businessman, philanthropist, hero, who at the cost of his own life, after all, was wounded, helped our military refuel equipment on the Antonivskyi Bridge on the first day of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a person who knows how to see beyond the horizon! It is such individuals who motivate our applicants and us to change, to study for the sake of knowledge, to bring the content of our educational programs as close as possible to the requirements of the modern labor market. There is a full understanding of the need for cooperation, including in the aspect of training specialists in psychology. The impact of psychology on the development of the economy is enormous. The respected publication The New York Times, analyzing the losses of the world economy, notes that companies suffer significant losses, including due to psycho-emotional burnout of employees. And this trend will only spread. There is another point – adapting technologies and products to the needs of consumers. We have a limitless field for joint work! We discussed certain details with Mr. Rozhkov. Just go ahead!

    Атестацію здобувачів вищої освіти другого магістерського рівня ОП «Психологія» у івано-франківському офісі Херсонського державного університету відвідав голова Наглядової ради ХДУ Юрій Рожков. Успішний бізнесмен, меценат, герой, який ціною власного життя, адже був поранений, допомагав нашим військовим заправляти техніку на Антонівському мосту у перший день повномасштабного вторгнення росії в Україну, людина, яка вміє бачити за горизонтом! Саме такі особистості мотивують наших здобувачів й нас до змін, до навчання заради знань, до максимального наближення змісту наших освітніх програм до вимог сучасного ринку праці. Є повне розуміння необхідності співпраці у тому числі й в аспекті підготовки фахівців з психології. Вплив психології на розвиток економіки колосальний. Поважне видання The New York Times, аналізуючи втрати світової економіки, зазначає, що значні збитки компанії несуть у тому числі через психоемоційне вигоряння працівників. І ця тенденція буде лише поширюватись. Є ще й інший момент – адаптація технологій, продуктів до потреб споживачів. Маємо безмежне поле для спільної роботи! Обговорили певні деталі з паном Рожковим. Тільки вперед!

  • Thursday, December 19, 2024

    Meeting with a stakeholder of specialty 231 Social Work

    On 19.12.2024, a meeting of higher education applicants in the specialty of Social Work took place with the co-founder of the NGO "Bureau of Gender Strategies and Budgeting", member of the IRC "Legal Space", expert, trainer, consultant of the NGO "Civil Center "New Generation" Zhukova O.G. as a stakeholder in the specialty "Social Work".
    The speaker introduced those present to modern social initiatives of public organizations implemented during martial law. Olga Hryhorivna outlined the range of problems faced by public associations during the war in the process of providing social services to the needy population and shared her experience of overcoming obstacles and challenges during professional activities.
    The applicants were most interested in information about the development and possibilities of implementing their own socially oriented projects and programs.
    A lively discussion and dialogue between graduates and stakeholders marked the bright end of the state certification and the beginning of the professional life of qualified social work specialists.

  • Thursday, December 19, 2024

    Psycho-emotional support in wartime

    Faculty members and students had the opportunity to join the training conducted by the head of the Social and Psychological Service of KhSU, Darya Domanchuk. Participants had a unique opportunity to apply several healing techniques in practice and take care of their own mental health, which is an extremely important element of psycho-emotional resilience in war conditions.

  • Thursday, December 19, 2024

    KhSU applicants congratulated IDP children from Kherson and the Kherson region on the upcoming holidays

    Applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education in specialty 231 "Social Work" held an event in Ivano-Frankivsk for children of internally displaced families from Kherson and the Kherson region, dedicated to the Christmas and New Year holidays.

    The activity was held on the basis of the Kherson HUB and the Center for Assistance to Kherson Residents "Free Together" in Ivano-Frankivsk within the weeks of full-time study at Kherson State University.

    For the children invited to the event, a fabulous atmosphere of New Year's mood was created with interesting games, entertainment, master classes on making New Year's attributes, gifts and sweets. The largest queue of those wishing to get New Year's face painting.

    Of course, they made wishes. The most important request from children who were forced to leave their homes to St. Nicholas was to return home as soon as possible.

    Holding such events is an opportunity for IDP children to experience the joy of communication and receive positive emotions, and for higher education students it is a chance to practice practical skills in working with socially vulnerable groups of our compatriots.

  • Wednesday, December 18, 2024

    Joint scientific and methodological seminar of the departments of KhSU and V. Stefanyk PNU

    On December 18, 2024, a joint scientific and methodological seminar of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work of Kherson State University and the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University was held. The seminar was dedicated to discussing topical issues of modern social work. The speakers emphasized the importance of the process of training future specialists in the social sphere under martial law, in particular, the issues of updating educational programs by both departments on topical topics and problems within the educational components, improving and updating the educational and methodological support of the educational process of the two universities were raised. According to the results of the seminar, common areas of interaction were outlined for the future: holding events, reviewing research and works, exchanging experience, developing joint projects.

  • Wednesday, December 18, 2024

    Kherson historians met with colleagues at the V. Stefanyk PNU

    Teachers of the Department of History, Archaeology and Teaching Methods and students of the second (master's) level of higher education met with historians of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University on the basis of the Faculty of History of the PNU. The welcoming speech was delivered by Ihor Fedorovych Hurak - Dean of the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of cooperation between PNU and Kherson State University, which was initiated by rectors Ihor Tsependa and Oleksandr Spivakovskyi, and assured that Ivano-Frankivsk has always supported and will support Kherson and the Kherson region.

    During the meeting, the Kherson residents presented their publications. Professor of the department Oleksandr Cheremisin presented the publication "Chronicle of the Kherson Civil Resistance" to his Ivano-Frankivsk colleagues and spoke about the idea of an oral history study about the occupation of Kherson. The main slogan of the civil resistance "Kherson is Ukraine!", uttered by Oleksandr Viktorovych, caused applause from his colleagues. 

    Associate Professor of the Department, Halyna Mykhailenko, presented the new publication "Kherson 2022: with Ukraine in the Heart", which became this year's winner of the competition of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine among book publications.

    Natalia Kuzovova presented her monograph "The Holodomor of 1932-1933 in the Kherson Region". Natalia Mykolayivna emphasized the continuous support that Dnieper Ukraine received from the Stanislav Region, which made an important contribution to the dissemination of information about the crimes of the Soviet regime in the world. She also presented a project to honor the memory of famous Kherson residents and heroes who died during the ATO and the Russian-Ukrainian war, defending the sovereignty of Ukraine.

    Professor Serhiy Vodotyka emphasized the common historical tradition of the Kherson and Ivano-Frankivsk regions and proposed creating a scientific partnership for the implementation of joint projects. PNU lecturers, in turn, expressed interest in memorialization practices, oral history methods, and regional studies, invited to hold joint conferences and scientific projects, and talked with KhSU applicants who attended the event.

  • Wednesday, December 18, 2024

    On December 17-18, the defense of qualification theses of applicants for specialty 231 Social Work took place

    The defense of qualification works in the field of social work was held at the Faculty of Pedagogy of Vasyl Stefanyk PNU. It should be noted that the chairman of the commission was a native of Kherson - co-founder of the NGO "Bureau of Gender Strategies and Budgeting", a member of the IRC "Legal Space", expert, trainer Olga. The commission included: Head of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work of KhSU, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Serhiy Kostyuchkov, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Volodymyr Hurich.

    The commission listened not only to interesting reports from graduates, but also got acquainted with interesting and promising social projects that will be implemented in the communities of Ukrainian cities and towns.

  • Wednesday, December 18, 2024

    On December 17-18, the Ivano-Frankivsk office of the KhSU hosted a state certification of history applicants.

    Acting Dean of the Faculty Iryna Shaposhnikova congratulated the State Certification Commission and applicants on the start of their work and wished everyone success and fruitful work.

    The certification commission worked as follows:

    Chairman of the commission: Savenok L.A. - a teacher of the highest category of the professional college of the Kyiv University of Intellectual Property and Law, NU Odesa Law Academy, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor;

    Deputy chairman of the commission: Kuzovova N.M. - head of the department of history, archeology and teaching methods, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor;

    Member of the commission: Vodotyka S.G. - professor of the department of history, archeology and teaching methods, doctor of historical sciences, professor.

    Secretary: Dyba L.M. - specialist of the 1st category of the department of history, archeology and teaching methods.

    Applicants for the specialty 014 Secondary education, specialization 014.03 History took a written certification exam in historical disciplines and their teaching methods.


    On December 18, the defense of the qualification theses took place, during which the applicants demonstrated a high level of theoretical and scientific and practical training. Among the positive achievements, it should be noted the relevance of the topics of the qualification theses, their theoretical and practical value, the involvement of a sufficient amount of scientific literature and historical sources, and the use of modern research methods.

  • Tuesday, December 17, 2024

    Popular science lecture for applicants of KhSU and V. Stefanyk PNU

    On 17.12.2024, for applicants for the Social Work specialty of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) level of higher education at Kherson State University and Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, the head of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kostyuchkov Serhiy Karpovich gave a popular science lecture on the topic "Philosophical Overtones of Artificial Intelligence: Ariadne's Thread or Trojan Horse?". The applicants expressed interest in the information presented by the lecturer, due to the subject of the philosophical understanding of artificial intelligence and its use in everyday life. Those present showed activity in the discussion on the role and significance of AI and its impact on the future of humanity.

  • Tuesday, December 17, 2024

    On December 17, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology was held

    On December 17, the staff of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology of KhSU gathered for a meeting of the Academic Council. The meeting was held during the week of full-time study in the Ivano-Frankivsk office. The key items on the agenda were reports on the scientific work of the departments and promising areas of scientific work for 2025, the issue of State Certification of RVO Master's degree applicants, participation of faculty applicants in the double diploma program, and selection of free choice disciplines. Traditionally, at the December meeting, the acting dean of the faculty, Iryna Shaposhnykova, also reported on her work. She reported on the implementation of key performance indicators, drew attention to the challenges of the faculty's activities in the future, and outlined the development prospects in the context of the Kherson State University Development Strategy. The FPIS team is grateful to the university leadership and the team of vice-rectors for the opportunity to meet during the week of full-time study. We thank our partners from the PNU named after Vasyl Stefanyk for the opportunity to stay comfortably in Ivano Frankivsk.

  • Monday, December 16, 2024

    A week of full-time study at the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology has started at the Ivano-Frankivsk office of Kherson State University

    As part of the planned events, a meeting of the staff and applicants of the FPIS with the rector of KhSU, Oleksandr Spivakovsky, took place.

    "In difficult times and in quite extreme conditions, we are doing everything possible not to stop. Our world was stolen from us, but we managed to hold on to the situation and are confidently moving forward, because we are united by common values, and this is the name and reputation of the university, this is the desire of teachers to provide applicants with a quality education, the desire of students to learn, this is our unity. We are infinitely grateful to our partners - Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk Sports College for the places provided in dormitories for settlement. This is just one example of the real support that we constantly feel from our fellow educators. I am very glad to see everyone - colleagues, students. I sincerely wish all representatives of the faculty, led by Dean Iryna Shaposhnykova, a rich, useful, positive full-time academic week," said Oleksandr Volodymyrovych.


  • Wednesday, November 13, 2024

    "To the Hero City of the Unconquered"

    On November 12, the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology, Iryna Shaposhnykova, presented the information and educational project “To the Hero City from the Unconquered”, dedicated to the 2nd anniversary of the liberation of the city of Kherson and the 107th anniversary of Kherson State University.

    The initiator of the project was Iryna Shaposhnykova, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology of Kherson State University, Member of the Commission for Naming (Renaming) Streets, Lanes, Avenues, Parks, Squares, Bridges and Other Objects, Installation of Memorial Signs, Memorial and Information Boards on the Territory of the Kherson Urban Territorial Community.

    "We have an ambitious goal - to present our hometown with an educational project on the second anniversary of its liberation, involving teachers and students of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology of Kherson State University. Despite the fact that we are scattered, Kherson is in our hearts. We love our city, we believe in return and remember those who gave their lives so that Kherson would be free, so that Ukraine would be free. Among those we lost in that terrible war are representatives of our university. This is our terrible pain," emphasized Iryna Shaposhnikova.

    Iryna Vasylivna said that as part of the project, applicants and teachers from the faculties of psychology, history, and sociology created 30 videos. The topics were chosen by them independently from the list of names provided by the street renaming commission.


    All departments of the faculty joined the project. The editorial design was done by the head of the social and psychological service of the KhSU, Daria Domanchuk.

    We invite everyone who is interested to watch the video on the YouTube channel of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology!

  • Wednesday, October 02, 2024

    Barrier-free city: six aspects of comfort

    On October 2, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, Volodymyr Gurich, held a lecture "Barrier-free city: six aspects of comfort" for students of the Faculty of Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics. At the beginning of the meeting, examples of situations where the participants felt limited in their opportunities due to various obstacles were mentioned, and then the reasons for the appearance of barriers in our lives were discussed.
    Analyzing the categories of low-mobility population groups, the awardees came to the conclusion that all of us fall into at least one of them during our lives, so barrier-free accessibility is a condition of comfort for everyone who lives in the city and beyond.
    In more detail (taking into account the specialization of the audience), the lecturer focused on the problems and strategies of creating information and digital barrier-freeness and the corresponding tasks. The National Strategy envisages the creation of a barrier-free space in Ukraine. Having considered their distinctive and common features, the acquirers determined on the example of their gadgets the ways and forms of implementing the tasks of the web accessibility policy. We also analyzed why accessibility policies are important, in particular, for the IT sector from the point of view of conducting business and role in society.
    At the end of the lecture, Volodymyr Gurich familiarized the audience with Ukrainian and foreign resources where you can expand your knowledge and skills regarding barrier-free and universal design, and answered the audience's questions.

  • Friday, August 23, 2024

    Kherson 2022: with Ukraine in the heart


    We congratulate the teachers of the department of history, archeology and teaching methods - Professor Oleksandr Cheremisin and Associate Professor Halyna Mykhaylenko - for winning the competition of cultural and artistic projects of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. The edition "Kherson 2022: with Ukraine in the heart", edited by Mr. Oleksandr and Ms. Galina, will be published at the expense of the state budget.

  • Tuesday, May 21, 2024


    We congratulate Oleksandr Viktorovych Cheremisin with a well-deserved honor on the Day of Science! We wish you further success in the development of historical science in Ukraine!

  • Thursday, May 16, 2024

    associate professor Gurich V.O. participated in the discussion of trends in the development of social work in Ukraine

    Volodymyr Gurich, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work of Kherson State University, took part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Trends in the Development of Social Work in Ukraine and Abroad" (May 15-16, 2024), dedicated to the International Day of the Family.

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  • Thursday, May 16, 2024

    Happy Ukrainian Vyshyvanka Day!

    The Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology wishes all Ukrainians a happy holiday!

  • Thursday, April 25, 2024


    We sincerely congratulate the editorial board of the scientific journal "Insight: Psychological Dimensions of Society" and the editor-in-chief - Professor I.S. Popovych with the awarding of the "A" category publication (decision of the attestation board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated April 24, 2024)! We wish you further growth, new achievements and victories!

  • Tuesday, April 16, 2024

    Introduction 2024

    The Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology of Kherson State University invites applicants to a meeting regarding admission in 2024
    April 17, 2024 at 1:15 p.m

    Meeting ID: 860 0696 8294
    Passcode: 2022-2023

  • Friday, March 29, 2024

    "The Philosophical Overtones of Artificial Intelligence - Ariadne's Thread or a Trojan Horse?"

    On March 29, 2024, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, Doctor of Philosophy Serhiy Kostyuchkov gave a lecture to scientists of the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences in the context of a scientific and practical seminar devoted to the problems of the philosophy of artificial intelligence and its use in the system of higher education. The topic of the lecture is "Philosophical overtones of artificial intelligence - Ariadne's thread or Trojan horse?". The event was held remotely in accordance with the implementation of a scientific study by the Department of Interaction of Higher Education and the Labor Market on the topic: "Theoretical foundations and mechanisms of interaction of higher education and the labor market in the conditions of martial law and post-war recovery of Ukraine", within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement of the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with Kherson State University.
    After the lecture, there was a discussion of topical issues of the use of artificial intelligence, in particular, regarding its impact on the labor market in the conditions of the war and the post-war recovery of Ukraine; identifying the range of skills that people need to be successful in academic and/or professional activities; assistance to domestic universities in the process of adaptation to changes caused by today's realities; assessment of the risks and benefits of artificial intelligence for the higher education system and the labor market; increasing the level of awareness of participants in the educational process about the philosophical (biophilosophical) aspects of artificial intelligence.

  • Tuesday, March 19, 2024

    Visit to the Center of the Veteran of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Defense of Poland

    The teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, while in Poland on an educational tour, visited the social institution Center of the Veteran of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Defense of Poland.

    They got acquainted with the structure and activities of the institution, got acquainted with the head and employees of the Center, veterans of foreign missions. The issues of the war in Ukraine, problems in working with veterans, the conditions for building the social infrastructure of Ukraine in the field of social protection, etc., were not overlooked either.

  • Monday, March 18, 2024

    Exchange of experience with colleagues of the Higher School of Social Psychology (Warsaw)

    Our colleagues spent two busy days at UNIWERSYTET SWPS in Warsaw. It is the only private university in Poland that has received the status of "university".
    They got acquainted with the experience of developing educational programs, academic courses and training in the field of postgraduate education.
    Outside the university, there were interesting meetings with Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Andrzej Sheptytskyi, Deputy Ambassador of Ukraine to Poland Vitaliy Bily and the most famous Polish media worker - Malgozhata Skawinska.

  • Friday, March 15, 2024

    We study the European experience

    Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work Tetyana Cherkashina took part in the two-day training "Study of the European experience of implementing quality management systems of educational services", which was organized by the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" and held on March 14-15, 2024 in a mixed format.
    The event discussed the need to introduce modern quality management standards in Ukraine, presented innovations and best practices in education quality management in Europe, and the possibilities of their implementation in Ukraine.

  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024

    The Department of History, Archeology and Teaching Methods continues its work on collecting testimonies of eyewitnesses of the occupation regime

    Halyna Mykhaylenko, assistant professor of the Department of History, Archeology and Teaching Methods of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology, joined the working meeting within the framework of the research initiative of collecting testimonies of eyewitnesses of the occupation regime of the Russian army in Ukraine. The meeting was held with Philip Slaveski, professor of history at the Australian National University, and Oksana Zorych, senior researcher at the Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies named after Kurasa National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

  • Tuesday, March 12, 2024

    Mine safety training

    On March 12, 2024, teachers, recruiters and training support staff participated in mine safety training and attended the "Explosive Ordnance Awareness Course" with the assistance of the Danish Refugee Council.

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  • Tuesday, March 12, 2024

    But the people of Kherson decided otherwise...

    On March 13, 2024, the Department of History, Archeology and Teaching Methods invites you to a meeting with historian, professor of Kherson State University Oleksandr Cheremisin "But the people of Kherson decided otherwise"

  • Tuesday, February 27, 2024

    On February 26, 2024, the international conference "South of Ukraine and the full-scale military invasion of Russia on February 24, 2022: the source science aspect, directions of historical research, memorialization" was held

    26 лютого 2024 року відбулась міжнародна конференція "Південь України та повномасштабне військове вторгнення росії 24 лютого 2022 року: джерелознавчий аспект, напрями історичних досліджень, меморіалізація". Організатором наукового заходу, до участі у якому долучилися близько 60 учасників, істориків, викладачів, здобувачів, стала кафедра історії, археології та методики викладання ХДУ

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  • Sunday, February 25, 2024

    We invite you to participate in the international scientific conference!

    The Department of History, Archeology and Teaching Methodology invites everyone to participate in the international conference "South of Ukraine and the full-scale military invasion of Russia on February 24, 2022: source science aspect, directions of historical research, memorialization", which will be held on February 26, 2024.

    The scientific event will be held online on the ZOOM platform. You can join by calling (meetingID: 872 3869 0748, passcode: 439621).

    Scientists from different cities of Ukraine, as well as Poland, Great Britain and Bulgaria will take part in the conference and present reports. The key topic is a full-scale invasion, in particular the resistance of Kherson, the occupation and in general the experience of southern Ukraine during the war, etc.

    Main reports:

    Natalia Kuzovova (Kherson). Civil resistance in Kherson during the occupation in March 2022.
    Roman Drozd (Slupsk). Polish-Ukrainian relations during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
    Serhiy Vodotyka (Kherson). Testimony of the military as a source of studying the defense of Kherson 02.24-03.01.2022.
    Stefan Goebel (Kent), Soviet War Memorials in Germany: The Impact of the War in Ukraine.
    Oleksandr Cheremisin (Kherson). Reconstruction of the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine through the prism of oral history using the example of the city of Kherson.
    Laura Tradius (Kent). Conflicted afterlife: The management of Wehrmacht burials in the Soviet occupation zone and the GDR.
    Tatiana Vodotika (Durham). Cities at war.
    Emma Hannah (Kent). British War Memorial.
    Halyna Mykhaylenko (Kherson). The experience of leaving occupied Kherson through the prism of oral history.
    Victoria Dobrovolska (Kherson). The occupation of Kherson in 2022 through the eyes of a witness.
    Denis Shatalov (Sofia). The modern Russian-Ukrainian war and the Second World War: the image of the enemy and the interaction of ideas (based on the materials of the city of Kryvyi Rih).
    Yuriy Mitrofanenko (Kropyvnytskyi). The volunteer movement in the South of Ukraine during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
    Oksana Zorych (Kyiv). Mental occupation of the inhabitants of Southern Ukraine by means of mass information.
    Nadia Ryzheva (Mykolaiv). Mykolaiv - the city of the unconquered: the chronology of the first events of the war, 2022.

  • Sunday, February 25, 2024

    Oleksandr Cheremisin refutes Soviet myths about the history of Kherson

    Was there a wild field on the territory of Kherson region? Who is the indigenous population of Kherson? Why was this region considered inauspicious in Soviet times? Who and when actually founded the city?

    Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the department of history, archeology and teaching methods of KhSU Oleksandr Cheremisin told about the history of the city's founding, all historically important events, Soviet myths and life experience in occupied Kherson in the new edition of the "City of Ukraine" program on Zaporizhzhia TV channel MTM.

    We invite you to watch it on our YouTube channel

  • Thursday, February 08, 2024

    Oleksandr Cheremisin about the Chronicle of Kherson civil resistance in the Suspilne report. Kherson

  • Monday, February 05, 2024

    The Department of Psychology invites young scientists to participate in the conference

    The organizing committee invites post-graduate students, young scientists, master's students, and students to participate in the 10th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Social and psychological technologies of personality development", which will be held at Kherson State University on April 5, 2024.


  • Thursday, February 01, 2024

    How to improve your psychological state?

    Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Ivan Romanovych Krupnyk, introduces the most effective psychological techniques to improve the psychological state. Join in watching short videos on our YouTube channel and be healthy!

  • Sunday, January 28, 2024

    Natalya Mykolaivna Kuzovova, head of the department of history, archeology and teaching methods, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor presented a series of short lectures about Kherson and the Kherson region, about outstanding and little-known figures of our history, about interesting and sad events. We invite you to watch it on our YouTube channel

  • Friday, January 12, 2024

    Chronicle of the civil resistance of Kherson in the dimensions of the full-scale aggression of Russia against Ukraine in 2022

    Finally, the long-awaited Chronicle is in the hands of the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology, Iryna Shaposhnikova!
    We thank Oleksandr Cheremisin for his colossal work on the path of perpetuating the memory of the heroic pages of the history of the Kherson region, and most importantly: about its heroes - residents of the unconquered city!


  • Friday, January 12, 2024


    Вітаємо доктора історичних наук, професора кафедри історії, археології та методики викладання Олександра Черемісіна з виходом з друку книги «Літопис цивільного спротиву Херсона у вимірах повномасштабної агресії росії проти України у 2022 році»!

  • Tuesday, November 14, 2023


    The staff of the faculty congratulates the associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, the head of the department of quality assurance of education TETYANA OLEKSANDRIVNA CHERKASHINA with the award of the Kherson Regional Council on the occasion of the 106th anniversary of KhSU! We wish you inspiration and success in your future work, OURS ARE THE BEST!

  • Tuesday, November 14, 2023

    The staff of the faculty sincerely congratulate Iryna Vasylivna Shaposhnikova with an honorary degree!

    On November 14, 2023, on the occasion of the celebration of the 106th anniversary of KhSU, the dean of the Faculty Shaposhnikova Iryna Vasylivna was awarded the name watch of Kherson State University for her significant personal contribution to the development of the university. We sincerely congratulate Iryna Vasylivna on her well-deserved award! FPIS is a powerful force of the KSU!

  • Saturday, November 11, 2023

    On November 11, 2023, the work of the Round Table dedicated to the 1st anniversary of the Liberation of Kherson and the 106th anniversary of the Kherson University was held

    Today, November 11, 2023, the work of the Round Table dedicated to the 1st anniversary of the Liberation of Kherson and the 106th anniversary of the Kherson University took place. The historical and educational event was held to share experiences and life strategies for surviving the occupation of the city in 2022. In the scientific environment, the problems of: the full-scale invasion of Russian-fascist troops in the South of Ukraine, heroism and betrayal, fundamental transformations of the organization of life, the organization of life strategies in the occupation, the moral and psychological state of the transfer of the occupation were brought up to date; educational space in conditions of occupation; organization of the work of the volunteer movement and how much oral history acts as a driving force in documenting the experiences of war and occupation.
    Many residents of Kherson, who by the will of fate found themselves in the dramatic conditions of the occupation, had the opportunity to express themselves freely, to tell stories of their own experience of civil resistance to the aggressor country. We express our confidence that the Liberation will come to the left bank of the Kherson region and we will have the opportunity to hold events live.
    Volodymyr Sagaydak (acting director of the communal facility of the Kherson Regional Council "Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children", head of the NGO "Kherson Volunteer Club"), Laznik Margarita (Ukrainian Radio), Alyona Movchan (Kherson Regional Academic Music and Drama Theater named after M. Kulish), Oleksandr Marushchak (candidate of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer of Mykolaiv National University named after V.O. Sukhomlynskyi), as well as teachers, students, post-graduate students of higher education of Kherson State University
    We join in congratulating you on the Liberation Day of Kherson.
    Glory to Ukraine!!!💙💛

  • Friday, November 03, 2023

    "A profession full of humanism, mercy and warmth"

    On November 2, 2023, on the initiative of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology, a Round Table Discussion "A Profession Full of Humanism, Mercy and Warmth" was held for the Day of Social Workers. The event is also dedicated to the 106th anniversary of the founding of Kherson State University
    and the 1st anniversary of the deoccupation of part of the Kherson region.
    The event took place in the Zoom application.
    Members of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, scientific and pedagogical workers of KhSU, students of higher education of all levels, public figures, practitioners in the field of social work became participants in the discussion. Among the invited guests are well-known volunteers and public figures in Ukraine and abroad, Ihor Mykolayovych Tsurkan, executive director of the NGO "Kherson League of Social Workers", stakeholder of the educational program "Social Work" and Nataliya Oleksandrivna Shatilova, head of the NGO "Gromada YuA", acting . head of the Dnipro district organization of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine in the city of Kherson, stakeholder of the educational program "Social Work".
    The vice-rector for educational and scientific-pedagogical work of KhSU, doctor of geographical sciences, professor Daria Sergiyivna Malchikova addressed the participants of the event with a welcome speech.
    The dean of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Iryna Vasylivna Shaposhnikova made a keynote speech "Fear of returning home: the problem of social pathology of the de-occupied territories". Acting report of the head of the social and psychological service of the KhSU Daria Domanchuk was dedicated to the work of a social worker as a systematically organized professional activity. The specifics of social work as a profession were highlighted in her report by Tetyana Shvets, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. The relevance of the chosen profession was substantiated in their reports by Kira Petrenko and Rostyslav Yevsyukov, graduates of the "Social Work" specialty.
    The organizers of the event sincerely congratulate Ukrainians on the Day of Social Worker!

  • Friday, November 03, 2023

    associate professor Gurich V.O. conducted classes on the basis of the cultural and educational HUB of KhSU

    On November 2, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work Gurich Volodymyr Oleksiyovych held a class at the cultural and educational HUB of KSU in Ivano-Frankivsk. Consultation on the course "Fundamentals of social dialogue: communication course" for master's students of the 1st year of the correspondence form of study of the specialty 231 Social work was conducted in a mixed format, offline-online communication was tested in the conditions of the educational hub of KhSU. An interesting and useful experience for all participants, during the discussion of the pair format, the winners said that there were no difficulties, there is an opportunity to view the recording for those who did not manage to connect.

  • Friday, October 27, 2023


    Dispersed all over the world, in different regions of Ukraine, but united in thoughts and dreams - teachers and graduates of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology joined in writing the RADIO DICTATION OF NATIONAL UNITY-2023.

    Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology Iryna Shaposhnikova


    Head of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work Serhiy Kostyuchkov

    Natalya Kuzovova, Head of the Department of History, Archeology and Teaching Methods


    Tetyana Shvets, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work


    Oleksandr Cheremisin, professor of the department of history, archeology and teaching methods

  • Wednesday, July 05, 2023

    On July 5, FPIS celebrates its 20th anniversary!

    On July 5, 20 years ago, an order was signed on the creation of a socio-psychological faculty at Kherson State University. A new chapter has opened in the history book of KhSU. Later, historians joined the faculty. Development is impossible without changes, so today we celebrate under the name of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology!
    Dear teachers, employees, students, graduate students and graduates of the faculty!
    Please accept the most sincere congratulations on the occasion of the birthday, 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology of Kherson State University!
    Every year, our faculty opens its doors to talented young people who want to gain thorough and modern knowledge of history, psychology, sociology, and social work. With their educational, scientific, and sports successes, teachers, employees, and students have worthily recorded and are recording every word in the history of the faculty and university, so now we have something to be proud of. In a short period of study and from the first years of work, the faculty becomes a second home. Teachers give the most important thing - a guide to life... Students do not let teachers grow old and sad. The Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology is a team of like-minded people, where experience and initiative are combined!
    During its existence, the faculty community has become a real family, where respect, talent, harmonious work and education prevail. We are infinitely grateful to everyone who contributed parts of their minds and hearts to the life of the faculty. Needless to say, the faculty can be proud of its achievements in training highly qualified and competitive specialists in the respective fields.
    The faculty team tries to constantly and effectively respond to the challenges of the times. The quality and fruitfulness of our joint efforts is evidenced by the simple fact that for many years our graduates have been in high demand both inside and outside the country as highly qualified, conscientious and creative specialists. By the way, during the 20 years of the faculty's existence, more than 3,000 graduates have graduated from various specialties. We look with faith at the students - the future intellectual elite of the country - and we are confident that we will continue to honor and glorify the name of our native faculty and university!
    The thanks of employers-stakeholders, parents, students, the interest of applicants, the interest of colleagues - this is the highest evaluation of our daily efforts!
    We are extremely proud of our talented students and graduates!
    We always remember everyone who made and continues to make the glory of the faculty and the university!
    We wish further development and prosperity, to the entire team - new successes in work for the benefit of our native faculty of psychology, history and sociology and our alma mater, Kherson State University!
    Let the faculty prosper with the achievements of its team for long and happy years!
    Glory to Ukraine!
    Kudos to the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology!
    Vivat FPIS KHU!
    Everyone involved, happy holiday to all of us!


  • Friday, June 23, 2023


    Ours are the best! Slogan of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology. On the day of the election of the rector of KSU, the certificate of the professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work was handed over to Serhiy Karpovych KOSTYUCHKOV, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences. Science knows no obstacles, and scientists move forward despite all obstacles! Congratulations and we wish you new scientific achievements!


  • Friday, June 23, 2023

    Elections of the Rector of Kherson State University

    On June 23, 2023, the staff of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology, as a whole of voters, revealed their position regarding the next 5 years. Congratulations to the rector of Kherson State University Oleksandr Valodymyrovych Spivakovsky! We believe in Victory and return to our native Kherson! Convinced of implementing all aggressive ideas! We believe in the Armed Forces! Glory to Ukraine!


  • Friday, June 16, 2023

    Congratulations on completing the certification of bachelors!


    From June 13 to 16, the attestation of first (bachelor's) level graduates of the educational programs of the Faculty of Psychology, History, and Sociology took place. We sincerely congratulate the graduates and look forward to the master's programs!

    053 Psychology


    014.03 Secondary education. History and 032 History and archaeology


    054 Sociology


    231 Social work


  • Thursday, June 01, 2023

    "Everyone's safety in joint solutions"

    On June 1, 2023, teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, Professor Kostyuchkov S.K. and associate professor of the department Shvets T.M. together with the winners of the OP "Social Work" of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education joined the information session on the topic: "Combating human trafficking, rules of safe employment, migration, travel" within the project "Everyone's safety in joint solutions" with the support of the USAID Bureau of Humanitarian Aid, which is implemented by the International Organization for Migration and the "Caritas Ivano-Frankivsk" charity fund.


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  • Friday, April 28, 2023


    The staff of the Faculty of Psychology, History and Sociology sincerely congratulate Serhiy Karpovych Kostyuchkov on being awarded the academic title of professor! Наказ МОН від 27.04.2023 року № 491

    We wish you further professional achievements and scientific achievements!

  • Thursday, April 27, 2023

    Teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work participated in the International Scientific Conference

    On April 27, 2023, the International Scientific Conference "Social and Humanities Studies: Innovations, Challenges and Prospects" was held in a mixed mode on the basis of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, co-organized by Kherson State University.

    Lecturers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work took part in the conference. In particular, Professor S. Kostyuchkov, a member of the organizing committee of the conference, delivered a report "Political branding of territories by mass media during the Russian-Ukrainian war (on the example of Kherson Oblast)". Associate professor M. Galichenko prepared a report devoted to the reform of the church calendar in modern Ukraine on the example of the UGCC.

    More than 50 scientists from Ukraine, USA, Germany, Great Britain, Turkey, Azerbaijan, France took part in the conference.

  • Tuesday, April 18, 2023

    Attention applicants!

    Dear entrants!

    A CONSULTATION ON THE HISTORY OF UKRAINE will be held on the Zoom platform on April 19 at 4:00 p.m.

    In the webinar, you will learn about the structure of tasks from the History of Ukraine, prepare for the test in order to pass it with a high score and enter the desired specialty!

    You can join the consultation by calling:

    Conference ID: 860 0696 8294
    Access code: 2022-2023

    We invite everyone!

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