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Students' Science Society

Updated: 3/2/2021

Research activities of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists are one of the most important means of improving the quality of training and education of specialists with higher education, able to creatively apply the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress in practice.

An important area of activity of the Scientific Society is the participation of students in competitions, scientific conferences and seminars, which are priority areas of the organization of research work and enable students not only to test the results of their own scientific research, but also to promote the outlook and their comprehensive development, establishment of creative and personal contacts with like-minded people from Ukraine's leading universities. Students have the opportunity to present the results of their own research to the general scientific community thanks to the availability of scientific publications: "Student Scientific Studies", "Master Studies".

Involving students to participate in research is one of the means of training and educating future professionals. At our faculty this problem is solved due to the presence of a considerable number of scientific associations, namely: "Actual directions of modern linguistics" (supervisor – Larysa Dymytrenko),                     "Structural-semantic, linguocultural and cognitive-discursive aspects of the study of linguistic and linguistic units of Modern German" (supervisor – Svitlana Soldatova), "Functional-semantic, cognitive, communicative-pragmatic and socio-cultural aspects of Romance languages in synchrony and diachrony " ( supervisor – Inessa Yermolenko), Actual issues and Slavic Philology " (supervisor – Liudmyla Rudenko, Galyna Mykhailovska), "Functional-semantic, cognitive, communicative-pragmatic and socio-cultural aspects of Romance languages in synchrony and diachrony" (supervisor – Inessa Yermolenko ), "Influence of lingual and extralingual factors on the formation of a specialist in foreign languages in a modern multicultural space" (supervisors – Viktoriia Kolkunova, Hanna Sheldahaieva), "Modern tendencies in philology" (supervisor – Oksana Shaposhnyk ).

We sincerely look forward to the continued success of our students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists. May their efforts solve current problems of modern science!

                    Sincerely, the Scientific Society of Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Journalism

                                                                           The Scientific Association
                                         of the Faculty of the Ukrainian and the Foreign Philology and the Journalism
                                                                      for 2020-2021 academic year

Members of the Scientific Association

The Protocol of the Scientific Association

Names, Surnames

The Head of the Scientific Association

The Protocol № 1 dated by 1.10.2020

Sergeeva Rimma

 (Group № 102 М )

The Alternate of the Head of the Scientific Association

The Protocol № 1 dated by 1.10.2020

Zima Elizabeth

(Group №  402 )

The Active Students of the Scientific Association of the Faculty

The Protocol № 1 dated by 1.10.2020

Sich Angelina (Group №371)

Taranenko Daria (Group №371)

Bibik Tetiana (Group № 451)

Sikorska Alina (Group № 481)


                                                                     The Plan of the Activity
                                                                  of the Scientific Association
                             of the Faculty of the Ukrainian and the Foreign Philology and the Journalism
                                                                 for 2020-2021 academic year

The Title of the Event

The Deadline

The Responsible Personality

The Cooperation

1. The meeting of the Scientific Association of Students, Postgraduate Students, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists of the Faculty.

The first Thursday of every month at 15:00 in

Auditorium № 206



Sergeeva Rimma

The Scientific Association of Postgraduate Students and Doctoral Students of KSU.

Applicants for higher education of the Faculty of the Ukrainian and the Foreign Philology and the Journalism.

2. The master-class / the co-working scientific event at the topic: “The Peculiarities of the Writing of the Diploma or the Qualification Scientific Work (the main requirements, the writing of annotations, the creation of presentations in the English language)”. 







October – November 2020.





The Assistant Dean at the Scientific Activity, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Moskvichova Oksana Anatoliivna,

Sergeeva Rimma


The Scientific Association of Postgraduate Students and Doctoral Students of KSU.

Applicants for higher education of the Faculty of the Ukrainian and the Foreign Philology and the Journalism.


3. The lecture of the Professor of the Nottingham University Peter Stockwell (the Department of the Literary Linguistics, Nottingham, Great Britain) on the topic: “Mind Modelling”. The lecture is organized on the smart-survey of Alfred Nobel University (Dnipro, Ukraine) on the Zoom-platform.



26th of November 2020

at 12:35 on the Zoom-platform




The Assistant Dean at the Scientific Activity, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Moskvichova Oksana Anatoliivna


The Scientific Association of Postgraduate Students and Doctoral Students of KSU.

Applicants for higher education of the Faculty of the Ukrainian and the Foreign Philology and the Journalism.

4. The master-class on the topic: “The Academic English Writing (business letters in English, writing a CV, the meeting at the consultation about job-hunting)”.



December 2020

at the Zoom-platform


The Assistant Dean at the Scientific Activity, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Moskvichova Oksana Anatoliivna,

Sergeeva Rimma



The Scientific Association of Postgraduate Students and Doctoral Students of KSU.

Applicants for higher education of the Faculty of the Ukrainian and the Foreign Philology and the Journalism.

5. The open lecture on the topic: “The Fractal Poetical Model of the World in the Linguistic and the Cognitive Survey (on the basis of the English poetry of XIX-XXth centuries)” (on the basis of the doctoral dissertation by O.A. Moskvichova).



February 2021

at the Zoom-platform



The Assistant Dean at the Scientific Activity, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Moskvichova Oksana Anatoliivna,

Sergeeva Rimma


The Scientific Association of Postgraduate Students and Doctoral Students of KSU.

Applicants for higher education of the Faculty of the Ukrainian and the Foreign Philology and the Journalism.

6. Open lectures of postgraduate students and doctoral students of KSU according to the dissertations.


March - May 2021

at the Zoom-platform


The Assistant Dean at the Scientific Activity, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Moskvichova Oksana Anatoliivna,

Sergeeva Rimma


The Scientific Association of Postgraduate Students and Doctoral Students of KSU.

Applicants for higher education of the Faculty of the Ukrainian and the Foreign Philology and the Journalism.





Information for students

Updated: 4/7/2021

General issues of educational process organization at Kherson State University

The main document governing educational process organization at our Universityis Положення про організацію освітнього процесу у ХДУ

About academic integrity

№419-Д додаток Положення про академічну доброчесність ХДУ_2021.doc (119.5 Kb)

№421-Д про порядок виявлення та запобігання академічного плагіату 2021.docx (43.8 Kb)

Materials related to academic integrity are compiled in there levant section on Academic Integrity at KSU site.

About preparation of graduate works

Положення про кваліфікаційну роботу (проєкт).docx (80.2 Kb) - Regulations on graduate work (project). docx (80.2 Kb) – current version amended by order No. 1144-D, 28.12.2019.

№405-Д про введення в дію Положення про курсову роботу .docx (4.9 Mb)