Publication in mass media about us





  1. The article on the website of the Department of External Economic Activity, Tourism and Resorts of Kherson Regional State Administration about the round table meeting, on March, 11, 2015 on the theme: Cruise tourism in Kherson Region: problems and perspectives with the aim of promoting Project TEMPUS CruiseT realization
  2. The article on the website of the Department of External Economic Activity, Tourism and Resorts of Kherson Regional State Administration about conducting of the educational seminar about new possibilities of the Internet, innovative technology and services of the Google company with the participation of authorities’ and public institutions’ representatives
  3. The article on the website of the Kherson Regional State Administration about the meeting conducting in Kherson Regional State Administration on the discussion of sustainable development of coastal regions of Ukraine
  4. The article on the website of the Department of External Economic Activity, Tourism and Resorts of Kherson Regional State Administration about the meeting on the discussion of the proposal for the draft Concept of development of tourism and resort industry in Kherson region to 2020
  5. The Article “In Kherson the Europeans will teach tourism”
  6. The Article “About the tourism development in Kherson Region”
  7. The Article “New possibilities for Kherson State University”
  8. The Article “TEMPUS «CruiseT» gathered participants teams in Batumi”
  9. The Article on the data portal site “Foreigners in Kherson desert”
  10. The Article on the data portal site “Foreigners visited Oleshky sands (photos)”
  11. The Article on the data portal site UE projects fairground was hold at the Administrative center yesterday
  12. The Article on the data portal site “Kherson representatives of tourism business have the chance of a lifetime”
  13. The Article on the data portal site “Project «TEMPUS – Cruise-T» organizers met with KSU students”
  14. The Article on the site of Kherson Regional State Administration “Project «TEMPUS – Cruise-T» organizers met with KSU students”