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Kherson State University
About KSU
University Administration
Scientific advice
Departments and services
Berislav Specialty Pedagogical College named after V.F. Benkovsky
Genichesk College of Professional Studies
SOT "Burevіsnik" HDU
Training center
Primary trade union organization of employees of KSU
Structure of KSU
Declaration of corporate culture of KSU
Сommemorative Memorial
Corporate identity of the university
Our graduates
Media about us
Scientic/Research activitie
Department of postgraduate and doctoral studies
Scientific-Technical Council
Research topics and scientific services, directions of scientific activity
Research laboratories
Scientific editions
Scientific conferences
Upgrading of the teaching staff
Scientific schools
Specialized academic councils
Scientific societies, graduate students, doctoral students and young participants
Student Olympiads
Competitions of student scientific works
Intellectual property defence
Results of scientific and scientific and technical activity
Provisions governing scientific activities
Photo gallery of scientific activity
Science Days
Competitions, scholarships, prizes for scientists
Scientific professional publications
Personnel of the educational institution in accordance with the licensing conditions
The language(s) of the educational process
Documents of the institution that regulate the educational process
Accreditation certificates
Certificate programs
Educational programs
Cost of education
Class schedule and examination session
Lessons Schedule
Additional educational services
Results of monitoring the quality of education
Inclusive space
Educational Center Crimea - Ukraine; Donbass - Ukraine
Foreign training
Statute of Kherson state university
Strategic Development Plan of Kherson State University
Lease contracts for state property have been concluded
Documents governing the educational process
Plan-reglament of work of KSU
House rules
The staff list for the current year
University Estimates for the current year
Competitive tendering of public procurement
Scholarship software
Information regarding tender procedures
Financial Information
Normative decrees and orders
For student
Student government
Distance learning during quarantine
Student Guide 2020/2021
Regulations on the settlement of conflict situations
Procedure for responding to cases
Selection committee
Volunteer activity
Material-technical base
Rector elections 2023
Conditions of accessibility of an educational institution for training of persons with special educational needs
Reports on Principal
Academic integrity
Measurements and ratings
Information about self-assessment of educational programs
Handbook for admission to higher education institutions and military training units of higher education institutions of tactical level
Payment details
Paid educational services
Services and Information Resources
Rules of military registration of conscripts, conscripts and reservists
Statistics visiting pages
Web mail
Indexing the cost of training
Leave a wish
Supervisory Board
Publication in mass media about us
Project description
Working group participants
Publication in mass media about us
Group in Facebook
Channel «Tempus CruiseT KSU» on Youtube
Project Partner - National University "Odessa Maritime Academy"
Regional Centre of Tourism Development in the Kherson region
Regional Cruise Tourism Development Competence Center in the Black Sea Region "Cruise Black Sea"
Presentation of the project "Tempus CruiseT KSU"
Advanced training courses
Participants of the Project "Tempus CruiseT"
Project activities
The article on the website of the Department of External Economic Activity, Tourism and Resorts of Kherson Regional State Administration about the round table meeting, on March, 11, 2015 on the theme: Cruise tourism in Kherson Region: problems and perspectives with the aim of promoting Project TEMPUS CruiseT realization
The article on the website of the Department of External Economic Activity, Tourism and Resorts of Kherson Regional State Administration about conducting of the educational seminar about new possibilities of the Internet, innovative technology and services of the Google company with the participation of authorities’ and public institutions’ representatives
The article on the website of the Kherson Regional State Administration about the meeting conducting in Kherson Regional State Administration on the discussion of sustainable development of coastal regions of Ukraine
The article on the website of the Department of External Economic Activity, Tourism and Resorts of Kherson Regional State Administration about the meeting on the discussion of the proposal for the draft Concept of development of tourism and resort industry in Kherson region to 2020
The Article “In Kherson the Europeans will teach tourism”
The Article “About the tourism development in Kherson Region”
The Article “New possibilities for Kherson State University”
The Article “TEMPUS «CruiseT» gathered participants teams in Batumi”
The Article on the data portal site “Foreigners in Kherson desert”
The Article on the data portal site “Foreigners visited Oleshky sands (photos)”
The Article on the data portal site UE projects fairground was hold at the Administrative center yesterday
The Article on the data portal site “Kherson representatives of tourism business have the chance of a lifetime”
The Article on the data portal site “Project «TEMPUS – Cruise-T» organizers met with KSU students”
The Article on the site of Kherson Regional State Administration “Project «TEMPUS – Cruise-T» organizers met with KSU students”