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Project description







In the course of the project the cooperation between universities of EU and neighborhood Eastern European countries (Georgia and Ukraine) in the field of tourist academic education expands and strengthens that meets norms of the Lisbon Strategy and the Bologna process. The project supports educational system reforms, provides further development of tourism in the Black Sea region, especially, cruise tourism. In addition, the realization of project activities envisages the rise the attractiveness of universities in theBlack Sea region.

Results of the project CruiseT realization:

- The cooperation between higher educational establishments, companies, associations and agencies of public tourism administration inGeorgiaandUkrainewas accelerated and expanded;

- The cooperative network and 3 competent regional centers for the cruise tourism development in theBlack Searegion were established;

- Professional qualification of project partners on the topic "Cruise tourism" and on other important topics in the field of tourism inGeorgiaandUkrainewas conducted; educational and formation programs ("Training & Education") within the framework of "Cruise Tourism Management" were developed and conducted;

- Services for research conducting and consulting ("Research & Consulting"), provided by universities within the framework of cruise tourism were developed, approved and implemented;

- Supervisory and quality assurance system of the project results was developed and implemented;

- The measure system for stabilization and enlargement of the project results was developed;

Under the principle of "Bottom-up", CruiseT relies on the initiative of the tourism industry in the field of cruise tourism, and also it is supported and strengthened by means of the scientific tourist inspection conducted by experts from the universities of the European Union, from the partner countries andTurkeyin the field of education, research and innovation.

Member Countries


This project has become the continuation of projects on tourism education within the framework of the European Commission TEMPUS program:

1. 158739-TEMPUS-2009-DE-JPHES - «WeNeT:« Network of electronic distance learning for further training in the field of tourism:Belarus,GeorgiaandUkraine" (15.01.2010-14.01.2013);


Scope schedule

Start of the project: 12/01/2013

Duration: 36 months

Project finish: 11/30/2016

The official group in Facebook «Tempus CruiseT KSU»