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КА 2: Співпраця задля інновацій

Updated: 11/27/2018

КА2: Cooperation for innovation

Knowledge Alliances


•        Strengthen structured long-term cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises in order to find innovative ways of developing and exchanging knowledge in result-driven projects, in the newest industries in particular.

Main activities that are supported under this action:

•        Developing new multidisciplinary curricula which meet the needs of the business

•        Stimulating entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills of higher education teaching staff and company staff

•        Facilitating the exchange, flow and co-creation of knowledge with the participation of higher education institutions and enterprises

Paticipation of the Partner Countries, including Ukraine, as a partner is possible in the context of unique experience and reasonable value-added participation in such an alliance

Partners can be higher educational institutions and other organizations (authorities, public organizations, enterprises, etc.)


PROJECT COMPETITIONS Knowledge Alliances in Higher Education, Vocational Education and Adult Education are announced annually from October to March.

DURATION OF THE PROJECT: 24 or 36 months.

REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTNERSHIP: at least 6 partner organizations from 3 different member countries of the program (min. 2 HEIs and 2 enterprises) plus from partner countries in the event of a unique experience for better implementation of project objectives.

КА2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Capacity building in the field of higher education (ex-TEMPUS)

Main activities that are supported under this action:

Two types of cooperation projects of the EU member states, other European states, candidate countries (total 34) with neighboring countries, Russia, Asia, Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (about 150 partner countries):

Shared projects: New curricula and programs, teaching and learning methodology, personnel development, quality assurance, governance, Bologna process tools

•        Structural projects: Reforms at the national level with the parcipitaion of authorities in partner countries (modernization of educational policy, measures to implement the Bologna process, governance and management in the higher education system…)

+ Additional mobility component in both directions – from EU and to EU for the countries of the European Neighborhood Policy and candidate countries (which do not have National Agencies): for students and employees, the same rules as for credit mobility (maximum 12 months).

Ukraine is a full participant in the direction and can both initiate projects and be both coordinator-applicant, and an equal partner of projects.

Partners can be higher educational institutions and other organizations (authorities, public organizations, enterprises, etc.)


PECULIARITY: institutions of higher education and other organizations from different countries of the world can be partners in the consortium in the case of a detailed justification of the uniqueness of the existing capacity and experience of the institution as well as additional cost for the project tasks. If the justification will be unimportant, the whole project will not be financed, therefore it is important to approach a very well-balanced. Open to academic and non-academic partners. Co-ordinated and funded by the Erasmus+ National Agencies in the Program Member States whose sites publish competitions.

REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTNERSHIP: at least 3 partner organizations from 3 different member countries of the program plus from partner countries in case of unique experience for better implementation of the project objectives.

DURATION OF THE PROJECT: 24 or 36 months.


PROJECT COMPETITIONS for Strategic Partnerships in the field of higher education, vocational education and adult education are announced annually from October to March.


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