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Updated: 10/16/2023

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New Document Module

Updated: 7/10/2023


Updated: 1/19/2024

In 2011, the Department of Humanitarian and Organizational -  Educational Work was reorganized into the Humanitarian Department. This is a structural unit of the university, which reports directly to the Vice-Rector for Social-Humanitarian and Scientific -Pedagogical Work. The structure of the department includes an assembly hall and a recording studio.

Humanitarian activity is an important component of the educational process and is based on the Concept of national education of student youth, developed by the Board of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine  (hereafter referred to as MES) 25.06.2009, the Law "On Higher Education" from 05.12.2012, the Constitution of Ukraine, the National Doctrine of Education Development  XXI century, from 17.04.2002, the Concept of development of national education of student's youth in KSU, Strategy of social and humanitarian work of KSU, acts of the President of Ukraine concerning maintenance and development of education, acts of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, directions, letters and other acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine   and the  University Charter.


  • Formation of moral and ethical values of a modern young person:
  • National-patriotic consciousness and understanding of a civic duty,
  • Respect for the Constitution of Ukraine, state symbols, native language;

Spiritual union of generations;

  • Foundations of morality, mercy, humanity and tolerance;
  • Supporting positive image, corporate culture, observance and development of traditions of the University;
  • Democratization of the educational process, cooperation with the students and Student Government;
  • Development of the cognitive interest and expansion of the cultural- educational worldview;
  • Realization of the creative potential, development of the stage culture, implementation of cultural and artistic initiatives provided by the students;
  • Education of the ecological culture, propaganda of the environment protection, involvement in active ecological protection activity;
  • Building a system of knowledge about European and national education, world culture, based on national aesthetics and the best achievements of world art;
  • Setting a responsible attitude to one's own health, developing skills and establishing a healthy lifestyle;
  • Promoting formation of the professional culture, development of the cognitive interest, readiness to apply knowledge, skills and abilities in practice;


  • Organizational ( social and humanitarian activities planning together with the structural subdivisions of the University, interaction with the state, city public organizations, social and educational structures);
  • Coordination (implementation of social-humanitarian interaction  between the structures of the educational process of the University, coordination of their activities);
  • Social (providing a system of a social-pedagogical support for the students of the different social categories);
  • Information and communication (informing student youth about their rights and social guarantees within the educational process);
  • Prognostic (monitoring to identify interests, needs and requests of the students);
  • Sports and health (promotion of a healthy lifestyle).