Updated: 11/20/2024



Number of users

System of distance learning "KSUOnline"


Supporting the educational process of full-time, part-time and external students;

Distance learning organizations;

Exchange of information both between the teacher and the student and between the students themselves.

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Electronic service KSU24

Optimize the initial processes of the university and eliminate the efficiency of your business processes with KSU24.




Integrated environment "Basics of algorithms and and programming" for Higher educational establishments


Integrated invironment of learning the course "Basics of algorithms and programming" for the students of pedagogical, technical and economical directions in higher educational establishments which is used for lectures and distance learning.

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Bank of electronic documents for a distance learning of Higher pedagogical education


Analysis of distance learning implementation in higher educational establishments and development of functional and non-functional requirements for web-site "Bank of electronic documents in distance learning for higher pedagogical education".

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Not updated


Program-methodical complex «Videointerpreter of search and grading algorithms»


It is intended for computer support in studying the topic "Algorithms of searching and sorting the sequences" of "Basics of algorithms and programming" in the course "Basics of Computer Science" for secondary or specialized secondary school. It can be used in study of many topics in this section.

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Software environment «Systems of linear equations»

Computer support of practical classes and labs of algebra when studying the theme "Systems of linear equations", as well as solving arithmetic, physical and other problems, in which mathematical model is a system of linear equations. During this type of activity student uses the theoretical knowledge acquired in previous stages of learning to solve practical problems.

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not updated


Program-methodical complex «ТерМ VII», support of Practical Educational Maths Activity.

Computer support of practical knowledge at lessons algebra 7-9 forms in secondary schools and during user's independent work - their active maths activity.

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not updated


Virtual calculation centre of nonlinear resonances

Integreted invironment which supports university courses of non-linear dinamics in diferrent aspects, creation the unified theory of non-linear resonanses, development and implementation of symbolic algorithms.

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not updated


Library of electronic visibilities "Algebra, 7-9 forms" for secondary educational establishments in Ukraine


The use of visual aids at algebra lessons in 7-9 forms of secondary school or in the process of student's self-study to create the theoretical knowledge and practical skills.




not updated


Integrated environment of monitoring students' knowledge in economic and mathematical disciplines of normative part for higher educational establishments for specialty 6.050100 "Economics Enterprise", 6.050101 "Economic theory"/a>


Use in intermediate, modular and final control of knowledge in the classroom, distance and distance learning.

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not updated


Software tool for educational purposes «Terra. Mathematics: Algebra, 7th Grade»

The main purpose of program-methodical mean "Terra Mathematics: Algebra, 7th Grade" is its use on Algebra lessons in 7th grade in secondary school in the self-study students to demonstrate learning material and the formation of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Topics which are supported by this software fully meet state curriculum

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Active, supported


Software tool for educational purposes «Terra. Mathematics: Algebra, 8th form»

Software tool for educational purposes "Terra Mathematics: Algebra, 8th Grade" is designed for computer supported lessons of algebra in the 8th grade in secondary schools and students' use in independent work.

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Active, supported


Website of software promotion

Designed for popularization of information about the software and IT support.

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Active, supported


Web-multimedia encyclopedia "William Shakespeare and Renaissance"



Web-multimedia encyclopedia "William Shakespeare and Renaissance" is designed for computer support course of Shakespeare at school.

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Web-multimedia encyclopedia “The gifts of Friedrich Fröbel”

Web-мультимедіа енциклопедія “Дари Фрідріха Фребеля” призначений для спонукання студентів опановувати виховну систему відомого педагога і вміло застосовувати її у роботі з дітьми.Web-multimedia encyclopedia "The gifts of Friedrich Froebel " is designed to encourage students to master the educational system of known teacher and be able to apply it in their work with children.

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Webmultimedia encyclopedia of the disciplines of the natural cycle

  The Webmultimedia Encyclopedia of Natural Cycle Disciplines is designed to encourage students to master the subjects of the Natural Cycle




Web-multimedia enciclopedia of the cource «History of Pedagogics»


Appointed as visual aids of theoretical and practical materials (they adapted to be used in a credit-module system) to ensure the security and availability of dissemination the information of the course "History of Pedagogics".

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Multimedia program-methodical complex "Virtual biological laboratory, 10 form"

The use of this complex in the learning process significantly enhance practical school course dominant of biology in general.

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Active, not updated


System of distance learning«Kherson Virtual University»

Designed to provide distance learning in higher (universities, institutes) and secondary (schools, colleges) educational institutions.

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Environment of distance learning «WebAlmir»

Remote system to support students' practical training in linear algebra.

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Non-working, not updated


Web-multimedia enciclopedia of the cource «History of General and Pre-School Pedagogics»

Application in the educational process for students of the direction of preparation "Preschool education" in studying the course "History of General and Preschool Pedagogy".

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Distance course «Cytology»on the normative part of the cycle of disciplines of natural science training for future biology teachers

It is intended for carrying out distance learning in the discipline "Cytology" in higher educational establishments.

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Non-working, not updated


Web-multimedia enciclopedia of the cource «Discrete Math»

Designed for effective study of the work program in the subject "Discrete Math"




Research work of young scientists: state, problems, prospects




The system of personal data about the scientific activity of the University staff




A system for collecting scientific and publishing activities of the university

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Web-Site of Campus of Kherson State University

Campus of Kherson State University

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Web Site of pool of Kherson State University

Pool of Kherson State University





Stud TV of Kherson State University

Stud TV of Kherson State University





Site of collection «IT in education»

It publishes originals of high quality articles on the scientific, methodological, organizational and technological aspects of the development, adoption and application of ICT for the management of higher and secondary education institutions.

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Active, updating



Site of collection «Black Sea Botanical Journal»

Publication of materials on all issues of botany, mycology and lichenology, phytoecology, geobotany, plant geography, botanical studies, history of botanical science, nature conservation, plant protection, general sozology.

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Active, updating



Site of collection «Pedagogical sciences»

Electronic journal of scientific articles.

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Active, updating


Site of collection of KSU series: "Linguistics"

Electronic journal of scientific articles.


Active, updating



Site of collection of the science works "South archive" (Philological sciences)

Electronic journal of scientific articles.


Active, updating


Site of collection «Scientific Bulletin of Natural Sciences (Biological Sciences)»

Electronic journal of scientific articles.


Active, updating


Site of collection "Scriptorium nostrum"

Electronic historical journal.


Active, updating


Site of collection Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series «Geographical Sciences»

Electronic journal of scientific articles.


Active, updating


Site of Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series «Economic Sciences»

Electronic journal of scientific articles.


Active, updating


Site of collection of KSU series: "Legal Sciences"

Electronic journal of scientific articles.


Active, updating


Site of Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series «Psychological Sciences»

Electronic journal of scientific articles.


Active, updating


Site of Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series «Germanic Studies and Intercultural Communication»

Electronic journal of scientific articles.


Active, updating


Site of scientific journal "Judicial and Investigative Practice in Ukraine"

Electronic journal of scientific articles.


Active, updating


Site of scientific journal «Insight: the psychological dimensions of sosiety»

Electronic journal of scientific articles.


Active, updating


Web-service with a feedback «KSU Feedback»

Designed to hold anonymous or ordinary polls by clearly defined criteria among a large number of respondents.

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Service for electronic mail Office 365

Office 365 (Outlook Web App) lets you use email from any computer that is connected to the Internet.

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KSU's Channel KSU1917 on YouTube

Publication of video materials.

301 097








Photo gallery «KSU Community»

Publication of photo materials.

165 albums



Site «KSU Conference»





Project «Numerological of Pifagor»

Numerological analysis of the character of the user by his date of birth.

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Test "Ecology"

This site can be used as a diagnostic tool of a natural study and methodological competence from the students of Pre-scholl and primary education.

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Administration of the account on the hosting of Ukraine.com.ua and the sites of the university that serve them





Advise the University staff on editing web pages on the main site of the University





Work with photos, development of banners, animated screensavers, infographics, commercials, signs, emblems, logos, Web design. Creation of advertising leaflets and promotional materials, booklets, flyers, design of software. Production of templates, business cards, greetings, announcements and other polygraphic products, cooperation with KSU typography. Development of presentation materials.





Video and photography





It is intended for automation of accounting and control of entrants to educational institutions.

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Інформаційно-аналітична система (ІАС) 

Accounting systems that use the latest technologies such as .Net.

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 KSU Web Portal

Contains complete and detailed information regarding the structure of the university and its work.

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Search for ebooks by criteria.




 Payment letter





К-сть користув.

Функціонування курсів з вивчення англійської мови для всіх бажаючих студентів та співробітників ХДУ


Васильєва О.В.


Функціонування курсів з вивчення німецької мови для всіх бажаючих студентів та співробітників ХДУ


Лонський О.В.


Функціонування курсів з вивчення французької мови для всіх бажаючих студентів та співробітників ХДУ


Крайнюкова О.Л.



Функціонування центру Європейського Союзу при ХДУ


Співаковська Є.О.,

Кулик А.І.



Функціонування центру польської мови та культури при ХДУ


Гульчин М.Б.



Функціонування освітнього центру Фрідріха Фрьобеля при ХДУ


Анісімова О.Е.



Функціонування центру іспанської мови та культури


Самчнецька Н.В.

У роботі


Функціонування центру болгарської мови та культури при ХДУ імені Кирила і Мефодія


співробітники ХДУ



Організація мобільності студентів та викладачів ХДУ


співробітники ХДУ



Підписання Угод про співробітництво між ХДУ та закордонними університетами


співробітники ХДУ



Підписання договорів з польськими партнерами щодо реалізації програми «Подвійний диплом»


ректор університету



Співпраця з міжнародними організаціями


співробітники ХДУ



Прийом та організація перебування іноземних делегацій та фахівців у ХДУ для налагодження міжнародної співпраці


співробітники ХДУ



Здійснення перекладів листів, угод про співробітництво, документів студентів та співробітників університету, інших функціональних документів англійською, німецькою та французькою мовами


співробітники ХДУ
